The Golden Lands are an unforgiving place, where the freedom of the wild is felt throughout, but only the clever survive. It consists of spare pine forests dotted with hoodoos and other rock formations, sturdy yet eerie caves and caverns full of mystery, flowing rivers full of fish, deep, noble vallies, towering arches, a pristine lake surrounded by plant life, grand rolling hills, and sharp, craggy mountains. Survival is tough here, yet many species have learned the tips and tricks to survival in these lands- wild horses, birds of prey, rabbits, cougars, bobcats, and more all roam throughout the Golden Lands, but the most notable animals are the coyotes.
The coyotes that call the golden lands their home have occupied its hoodoo forests, clusters of arches and foliage, valleys and canyons, and sometimes even its caverns for centuries, many generations coming and going. Its inaccessibility to humans has made the perfect safe haven for these canines as they live and grow in the Golden Lands.
The packs that have lived here forever are:
The Arches Pack
The coyotes of the Arches and the foliage around them have somehow found a way to make their home around towering bridges of rock and dry, bramble bushes, with a forest towards the edge of their territory. Despite their unusual spot for a camp, they have been there the longest and as a result view themselves as the superior pack. They are larger than the others, with short pelts and typically toned builds from all of the running in the open spaces they do. On the opposite end of their territory from the forest, towards the center of the golden lands, lies the lake. The coyotes of the arches are often stereotyped as pricks, and are slow to share or even show empathy to the other packs that they view as lesser beings. They are formidable hunters and fighters.
The Hoodoo Pack
The coyotes of the hoodoo pack make their homes in the sparse pine forest dotted with hoodoos in the northwestern corner of the Golden Lands. They are low in numbers, and as a result have closed themselves off almost, not wanting to appear weak. Their forest, once teeming with prey, is now only half of what it used to be in terms of prey avalibility, and they are not sure where their prey is going. The hoodoo pack coyotes are stereotyped as shy and secretive, though some stories of brave coyotes have stemmed from there. They are facing extinction if they cannot find a solution to their population and the prey population, but their leader pushes them onwards, even thinking of sending them beyond the mountains of the golden lands in search of prey and territory...
The River Pack
The coyotes of the valley pack diverged from the Arches pack 15 generations ago, and are the newest pack. They replaced the Ravine pack, a now extinct pack that were killed in a war between all of the packs. They have adapted to navigating sheer cliffs ideas and they live near the foot of the mountains, as well as having to climb back and forth in valleys and ravines. They are excellent swimmers, relying mostly on fish for prey. Their coats are very sleek as they get a lot of vitamins and oils from the fish, as well as from them evolving to have semi waterproof coats. They have been known to stick their noses in where they don't belong, and are sometimes referred to as "nosy, sneaky dogs" but they could totally care less. Their camp is more loose than the other ones, families making their own dens out of whatever they prefer, but keeping pretty close to each other so they can stick together, listen to their leader, etc. They are thought to have many secrets hidden in the valleys and dips that they can navigate so well, as they guard them fiercely. The "treasure of the river pack" is a hot topic among younger coyotes of other packs.
Coyotes that don't seem to have a place to fit in. They travel alone or in small groups, and are typically nomadic, or they might live in small pockets of unoccupied territory. Not much can be said about them, as culture varies from loner to loner, or group to group.
Roleplay Objective:
The main goal in this is to have fun, and keep going where the flow of the story takes you. There is no solid plot, merely offered plot points to help drive the story. Where will you take the coyotes of the golden lands? What unthought of adventures await you with these canines? Join and find out!