
Claim 5 mush! -- I can grant: -Paws -Free breeding to any male in my den (who gets what pups decided later) -A free friend request

Claim free friend request I can grant: 100 mush 5 character points(tell me which one you want it on and where) Any wolf of your choosing thats in my den that doesn't say keep(tell me which one) Edited at March 31, 2020 01:51 AM by dojejes wolf pack

Claim mush I can grant: Decor Rosemary 5 cp

Claim Decor -- I can grant, free breedings, free feedings (5), 5 cp on any wolf, paws up. PM me if you claim any of these please :)

Claim 5 Cp I can grant 5 feedings A Paws Up and Positive Comment Some Mush

Claim pwws up and a positive comment I can grant: 100 mush 5 character points(tell me which one you want it on and where) Any wolf of your choosing thats in my den that doesn't say keep(tell me which one)

Claim 100 mush -- I can grant Free feedings, Free breedings, Paws up, A scribble (I will only do lineart and maybe a little bit of coloring. Has to be a very simple design. 1-3 colors.)

Claim Free breedings I can grant: 10 mush An Arctic bunny 1 feeding

Claim bunny feeding
I can grant: 50 mush 2 Free Breedings

Claim 50 Mush I can Grant Paws Up & a positive comment 10 Feedings Free Breeding to one of my 55R Custom Studs includes a G1 DH & A G2 Ery.