
Claim feathers csn grant wolf bios cp paws nice comments friend art

Claim CP (put it on Eros's Battle please) I can grant- A wolf bio, food (a lot of food), CP, a HW Hero 2 year old female or free breeding to one of my males

Claim HW female can grant free breeding art 30 mush 1 feeding suprise

Claim HW female can grant free breeding art 30 mush 1 feeding suprise

Claim 30 mush. can grant 10 mush 10 feedings 1 mystery relic 1 dud wolf pm me what you claim cause I might forget to check this furom Edited at February 27, 2020 10:40 AM by 57 pixels

Claim a dud, I can grant- 10 mush, Free breedings, A free pup (in a future litter), A paws up, A wolf bio

Claim breedings . I can give: . Free breedings to 2 of my males Random Relic Paws up Food 10 Mush Surprise (Random out of the options above)

Claim breedings . I can give: . Free breedings to 2 of my males Random Relic Paws up Food 10 Mush Surprise (Random out of the options above) Edited at March 2, 2020 08:44 PM by Br0ken

Claim: paws up I can grant: 100 mush Food Relic Surprise

Edited at March 12, 2020 09:20 PM by dojejes wolf pack