
Finn continued to follow the deer, just watching her every move. He felt bad, he didn't want to kill the poor deer, she was just trying to live. He was procrastinating, he could get himself to raise his bow. After a few more minutes of observing, he finally thought it was time. Taking a deep breath, he slowly raised his bow. Just as he was about to release the arrow, he heard the sounds behind him. It sounded like someone walking, and a muffled whimper soon followed after the shuffling. Finn raised a brow in confusion before making his way towards the sound. He stepped on a branch, and the noise made the deer run. His head jolted back to look at the deer. "Shit." He muttered. He groaned a bit but then continued to make his way over where the sounds were coming from. He could see legs poking out from behind a tree, and so he knew someone was there. Their legs didn't look anything like Jinx's or Alerias's. He was even more confused now, but he was curious. "Hey." Finn spoke, slowing for a moment before stepping in front of the tree. Finn's eyes widened even more, it was a boy, and he was crying. "Are you okay?" Finn said with slight concern. At this point, Finn had already lowered his bow and was now squatting to be at eye level.
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Raihn had been so focused on his own turmoil and pain that he hadn't really noticed the fact that a deer was grazing. At least, not until he heard the sound of a twig snapping. Instantly his gaze and attention were off the pain in his foot and to the deer racing away. His heart, which had only just begun to calm down, had picked up his hurried rhythm, beating wildly and thunderously within his chest. His breath hitched and his concern only continued to mount. After all, deer didn't just spook for no reason, something or someone had scared it. If his pursuers were close he was in some serious shit because as much as he may have wanted to, he couldn't walk much less run. When he heard the sound of someone approaching he stiffened, his heart thundering all the more wildly, and the moment the male came into view he looked towards him in surprise and with a note of fear. His mouth felt dry as panic clawed just underneath the surface. He barely registered what the boy said before he sucked in a breath and forced a slow nod. "I... I'm fine." He said, not trusting who this person was and why they might be out here so far from the city.

Finn looked at the male in his eyes as he spoke, not believing a word he said. "Hm." He responded, letting his eyes scan the rest of the guys body. His cheeks were stained with tears, so he clearly wasn't okay. "You're hurt arent you." Finn said softly, staring at his legs. One of the male's legs had been weirdly positioned, so that made him assume something was wrong with it. Why was Finn even bothering, this guy could be from the city and know them. He very well could work for the FBI, or be a cop. He sure as hell didn't look like a cop or anything, but you never know. Why was he out here this far anyways? He could probably ask Finn the same question, but the male being out here and possibly badly hurt is weird. Well, Finn was the one with a bow and spear so he supposed that was weird too... He had a good reason, he was hunting. Finn examined the male in front of him a bit more, from a distance of course. He didn't wanna freak the guy out anymore.
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Raihn was aware that he probably looked like shit, that his appearance would likely bring about suspicion and confusion. After all he was out here in the middle of nowhere, injured, crying, dirty, bruised, and likely bloody in some aspects from the cuts and scrapes he had on him. If this person wasn't working for the people who were after him, and he wasn't convinced he wasn't, then he could understand the look he was giving him. When the stranger spoke, calling out that he was hurt he stiffened further, his expression hardening. "I said I'm fine..." He said firmly and as if wanting to prove it he moved to carefully stand up, ensuring not to put any pressure or weight on the ankle that he'd injured, and using the tree he'd been leaning against to help. Even this movement, the sudden shift in the gravitational pull was painful and he sucked in a breath through clenched teeth as he stood up, again fighting back tears as he did so.

Finn slightly backed away when the stranger spoke firmly to him, stating he was "fine" when he clearly wasn't. He then watched as the male then tried to stand up. It was a bit embarrassing to watch because he was clearly struggling and hurt. "Yeah, sure you're fucking fine." Finn said, furrowing his brows as he moved to quickly stand up. "You sure look fine." Finn said, sarcasm so obvious in his voice. The look on the male's face made Finn a bit sad. Finn wanted to help but the dude made it clear to Finn that he didn't want his help. That's just some people though, they don't like accepting help from others, and Finn wasn't about to force it upon him. He gripped his bow in his hand before swinging it over his shoulder. He then slowly began to walk away to where he had left his wooden spear on the ground.
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Raihn gripped onto the trunk of the tree with a great deal of force, as if doing so would keep him standing upright. He looked towards the stranger when he spoke, a hint of surprise in his expression upon hearing the clear sarcasm in the guy's voice. What the fuck did he care? Drawing in a breath and attempting to calm his breathing and ignore the pain he watched as the guy moved to swing the bow, Raihn only just then noticed, over his shoulder, and walked away. For a long moment, he simply watched him, certain that it was best to let the guy leave. If he wasn't involved with the people currently hunting Raihn, then it was best he steered clear. And yet, for reasons, he couldn't quite figure out he found himself parting his lips. "Wait..." He called, suddenly finding the idea of being out here, alone and injured any longer than he already had been, as unappealing as having to rely on a complete stranger, who may or may not be wishing him harm.

Finn didn't even get five steps in when he heard the male call out to him. He smirked to himself and stood still for a moment before turning around. He wanted to so mock him for saying he was fine but ultimately decided not to. The boy was in pain, and it was so clear. It would be best to not further upset him. He just stared at him, waiting for him to speak again. He then gave him a "well, what are you waiting for" look, before stepping all of the 5 steps back to him. What did he want if he claimed he was fine? Finn was very curious but didn't want to explode with questions. He found this male really appealing, and he didn't know why. Maybe it was because he looked like he just got jumped, or that he was so effortlessly beautiful while looking like he just got jumped. He shook both thoughts out of his mind and focused back in on the male. It then just occurred to him that the sun was going down. He kept his cool though for the time being, but whatever this guy wanted, he needed to hurry up and talk.
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Almost as soon as he'd requested for the stranger to wait, halting him in his departure, Raihn felt a sense of regret. Help. That's what he needed. Perhaps four months ago he would have accepted it without question, but four months ago he'd been a college student, not someone on the run. Four months ago, he'd had a life worth living, and now... Swallowing back the lump of hopelessness that had lodged in his throat he kept his green hues fixed on the stranger, watching as he turned and stepped back towards him. He could be making a very big, very deadly mistake, and yet he was aware that no choice available to him at that moment was one without risks. "I might need a little help." He admitted, hating the fact that he hated asking. As if seeking the help of another human being had become some carnal sin, forbidden to him for his own safety and salvation. Not moving from where he stood, Raihn simply watched the other male waiting for him to make his own decision on whether or not to help him or to abandon him.

Finn couldn't help but have a smug look on his face when the male admitted to needing some help. He was quick to wash it off, not wanting to seem rude. "Yeah, well I was trying but you kinda gave me a hard time." Finn said before turning around, he needed to grab his spear. He didnt spend hours making it to just leave it out in the woods. "Just give me a sec." Finn called out as he walked back to where he left his spear. He picked it up and figured out a way to hold it while still helping the male. It sure wasn't going to be easy but he was determined to make it work. Once he returned to the injured male, he didn't hesitate to wrap the male's arm around his neck. "I have a place you can stay for tonight, my friend is good with injuries and medical stuff. I know we don't know each other but please. I wanna help in any way I can." Finn spoke as he started to walk, very slowly. He did his best to keep most of the male body weight on him, allowing him to lean on him all he wanted. Finn would carry him if he let him, but he didn't think the male would agree to such a thing.
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The smug look that the stranger had worn hadn't been missed by Raihn, and if it did anything other than irritate him, was make him even less sure of doing this, of accepting his help. Biting at the corner of his lower lip he turned his gaze away, choosing not to say anything about it. Best to just pretend like he hadn't noticed that look. Hearing his words he looked at him before raising his brows and giving a nod. "Yeah, I know." He said, wincing at the edge in his voice. He hadn't meant for it to be there, and yet there it was. Raihn said nothing more, choosing to remain silent and observant, at least that was until the guy returned and without any hesitation grabbed one of his arms and wrapped it around his neck. The contact had Raihn stiffening and instantly fighting the urge to pull back and away from him, to put distance between himself and this stranger. He looked up at the guy when he spoke before giving a slow nod. "Thanks..." He said, his voice barely above a whisper this time, a subtle note of his trepidation and uncertainty in relying on any help from this guy and whoever this friend of his was.