
Alex reached the post next to Angel shortly after Skylar had left to fetch the soap and other items needed for bathing the horses. Tying the lead rope off on the post he moved to stand at Raven's side. He let his hand slide across the length of her neck and then over her shoulder. While he loved every horse he came across, there were a few that held a special place in his heart, Raven was one of them. She'd caught his eye the first time he walked past the pasture. He could recall that day easily. It'd been warm, the weather nice and the sky clear. He'd left his house to get some fresh air and to get away from his parents. At that time he'd still been trying to come to terms with his sexuality and what that ultimately meant if his parents were to ever find out. He'd seen her grazing in the pasture alongside the other three horses. Ever since then, she'd been one of his favorites. When Skylar returned Alex turned his gaze from the Mustang and toward him. He watched as he placed the items he'd retrieved on the ground before moving to pick up a brush. "Thanks." He said once he'd selected one.

As Sky brushed Angel he began to think. He contemplated talking to Alex because he had a question but he wasn't too sure if he should. After a while of silence, Sky finally got the courage to talk. "So that party, do you know if there will be anything else apart from alcohol?" Sky asked although he wasn't too sure if Alex would know the answer. If Alex didn't know Sky would bring his stuff. As Sky finished up brushing Angel he went back to the hose to go turn it on, thankfully it was close.
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Alex started brushing at Raven's neck, thoroughly removing any hair that was shed and any dirt that was in her coat before moving onto her shoulder and then across her back. He'd nearly finished with her right side when he heard Skylar. Looking over Raven's back and toward him, he lifted a brow. Anything else? For a second he was genuinely concerned before realization dawned on him. "Ah," He said as he drew in a breath. "I'm sure there will be. But you're welcome to bring your own stuff if you'd like." He answered after a moment of thought. He personally hadn't ever tried anything but alcohol, and even then he'd only sipped on a half-filled drink. He was nearly as terrified of his parents finding out that he'd attended a party where alcohol, marijuana, and other stuff was being handed as he was them finding out about his sexuality. The last thing he wanted to do was show up home either high or drunk as hell. After letting his gaze linger on Skylar a moment longer, he returned his eyes and attention to brushing Raven off.

Skylar looked over at Alex slightly as he answered him. "Sweet." Sky answered while smirking. He didn't drink much, he did other things that weren't the best. He didn't want to become an alcoholic either, but he liked just getting absolutely fucked every once and a while. He picked up the hose and started to spray Angel down. He wanted to spray Alex, but he didn't know if he had his phone on him or not. As he continued to spray Angel's coat he sprayed the back of Raven slightly, making her freak out a tiny bit. Sky chuckled a little, "Watch out Alex, I might just spray you." Sky said raising his eyebrows a bit and smiling.
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Alex smiled slightly at the response he got from Skylar. He wasn't all that surprised or bothered by the fact that he did other things. A lot of the people Alex knew were into smoking as much as they were drinking. As such there wasn't any judgement from him. He found himself laughing slightly when Skylar sprayed Raven's back slightly. It was clear the mare didn't approve of the act as she tossed her head and moved to sidestep away from the water. "Easy girl." He said lifting a hand to rest on her shoulder. When he heard Skylar he grinned and lifted a brow. "Oh yeah?" He asked with a chuckle. "Bring it on Skylar! I'm ready for a little water fight." He said with a soft laugh and a teasing note to his voice as he moved around Raven.

Skylar slightly looked back at Angel, who was for the most part wet and then back at Alex. "Oh, you're asking for it. Skylar spotted the boy moving around Raven and kept the hose pointing down at the ground. He swiftly changed the hose to a far distance spraying one to ensure he would hit him. Once he knew he would have a clean hit he pointed the hose at him and sprayed him. He laughed after doing so but kept spraying him the best he could.
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Alex smirked when he heard Skylar's response to his challenge. He slowed to a stop between Raven and Angel, his blue gaze locked onto Skylar. When he moved the hose, sending the water spraying toward him, Alex smiled before laughing as he moved to get away from it as quickly as he was able to. He could tell that Skylar had gotten him fairly well, his hair was dripping and his shirt clung to him where he'd gotten wet. Swiftly he moved to step around Angel and toward Skylar with the intention of grabbing the hose and spraying Skylar with it.

As Skylar's eyes continued to follow Alex, he ended up losing him. He knew he was probably behind him. Sky stood there for a moment before turning around while spraying the water. His eyes then locked on Alex but he was pretty close. Skylar continued to spray the hose at him but then dropped it and ran around to where Raven was. A smile grew on his face as he hid behind the mare,
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Laughter escaped Alex as he advanced toward Skylar. He was soaking wet at this point. His parents likely wouldn't be all that happy with him, fortunately, the day was warm and he had a feeling that he'd be almost entirely dry by the time work finished and he was headed home. The moment that Skylar dropped the hose, Alex lunged for it, swiftly picking it up and aiming it at Skylar. He managed to send some water his way before he ducked behind Raven. He laughed slightly before he attempted to move into a better position so that he could spray Skylar despite his hiding behind Raven. The mare, despite being in the middle of this water fight, stood patiently, her head lowered and her ears swiveled backward as she listened to and focused on Alex and Skylar's movements.

As Skylar felt himself get hit by the water his mouth slightly opened, as if he didn't know that was going to happen. He looked down at himself and touched his shirt where it was wet. He shook his head and then put on a smirky smile. Skylar raised his head to look over the horse and saw Alex coming over to him. Sky thought this wasnt a bad idea after all, it was really hot so he didnt really care if he got sprayed. He stood up fully and looked over in Alex's direction.
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