
Finn looked back at Raihn when he replied, saying he had an idea of where the river was. That didn't tell Finn that he knew exactly where it was so there was a chance he could get lost. Finn then thought he'd have to be one real dumbass not to be able to find the river when there was a clear path to it. Finn slightly shook his head before changing directions. He went to grab some soap they used for laundry. "Well can I still tag along? Swimming sounds fun." Finn said as he returned to Raihn's side. Swimming did sound like fun, but he also had a feeling that Raihn would need his help. For sure Raihn wouldn't make it halfway there before he'd ask for help. Finn continued to walk, not really worrying about his pace since he wasn't in a hurry. He made his way to the warehouse door, it was open so he just walked through. He turned around and walked backwards a bit, waiting for Raihn to catch up.
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Raihn struggled through the building and towards the open door. The pain was beginning to increase with each jostled step but he refused to show it, to ask for help. Hell, he wasn't even halfway to the river yet. Hearing Finn's question he glanced over at him and raised a brow before giving a shrug. "Do whatever you want." He said, his tone a little sharper than he'd intended it to be. Clamping his mouth closed he let his gaze drop to the ground as he walked. Once he reached the door to the building he let Finn move through first before he followed after him. Now for the truly difficult part. Before he'd had the all to help support him but now he had nothing. He'd have to try and bear some weight on his injured ankle in order to get to the river. If he couldn't do that he'd have to... shaking his head he shoved that thought away before it could finish. Yes, maybe the last hour he'd spent with Finn hadn't been the worst thing in the world, but that didn't mean he suddenly liked the guy. He still found himself struggling even remotely to act as though he enjoyed the asshole's company. ` Drawing in a breath he steeled his resolve and moved to try to take a small step with his bad ankle. The pain that shot up his leg was excruciating the moment he put even the smallest amount of pressure on it. Swiftly he eased the pressure and let his injured foot rest on the ground. Damn it, he thought as he blinked the dots from his vision and did his best to remain balanced. It seemed to take an eternity before he slowly lifted his gaze, only to find Finn walking backward and looking at him. For a second he considered turning around and heading back inside. What was a little blood on his pants? He'd live. But reason and logic were quick to drown out those questions. Keeping up his hygiene as best as he could would be beneficial on multiple accounts, and he didn't want to risk attracting any unwanted predators by wearing clothes that were soaked in blood. "I could use a little help!" He finally called, hating himself for having to request it but knowing that he wouldn't be able to get to the river on his own.

Finn glanced behind him as he walked backwards, before turning around. Just seconds after he turned around, Raihn asked to help him. Finn smirked a bit, knowing he would end up asking. With a slight shake of his head, he turned around. Walking back towards Raihn, he wrapped an arm around his neck. He held Raihn up, stabilizing them both before starting to walk. "I told you you would make it alone." Finn said, with just a small hint of compassion in his tone. He said it mostly to piss Raihn off, but some part of him felt bad and sorry for the guy. ' The walk to the river was painfully slow, Finn was just exaggerating, it wasn't that slow just slower than walking himself. Finn helped Raihn sit down on a big rock close to the water. When he was done helping him, he stepped away and closer to the water himself. Bending down, he reached his hand into the water, feeling the temperature. "Geez, it's not the warmest but I'll still give it a go." Finn said, mostly to himself but also to Raihn. Finn then began to undo the laces on his combat boots. Once they were loose enough he slid them off before moving on to his socks. He looked up to his left, spotting the hill/cliff/rock/ledge, he, Jinx, and Aleria would jump off in the summer. Being spontaneous, Finn had the great idea to just jump off of there into the water. A smirk grew on his face, his eyes glancing at Raihn for a second before he moved to take his shirt off. After his shirt was off, he took off his jeans, revealing his black boxer briefs. He then moved behind Raihn, running up the hill and behind the trees, getting out of Raihns view for the time being. Once he was at the top, he walked close to the edge before looking down. He shook his head slightly, already regretting his decision. He looked down at Raihn before walking backwards a few steps. Without any further hesitation, he ran and jumped. "Oh shit." Finn said just before he hit the water, making sure to plug his nose before going under. The water sent a cold shock throughout his entire body. This sure as hell was going to wake him up, and give him hypothermia. When Finn rose to the top, he took a deep breath in. "Holy shit." He said to himself. He could get used to it, but he wouldn't be able to stay in the water for too long with how cold it was. Finn swam a bit closer to the shore, but not close enough to be touching the ground. He hated touching the bottom of lakes, rivers, or any bodies of water that didn't have nice sand on the bottom. It disgusted him, but also scared him because he could be stepping on anything. The slimy rocks made him uncomfortable, but he wouldn't refuse to swim in water just for that reason.
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Raihn clenched his jaw when, upon moving to his side to help him, Finn gave him the whole "I told you so" shit. He fought the urge to push away his assistance and attempt to get to the river on his own. He could be prideful, but he wasn't a complete idiot. There was no way he'd be able to do it on his own, and so as much as he hated it he needed Finn's help. Moving he wrapped an arm around his shoulders, using him for support as they started towards the river once again. It felt as though it took forever before they finally reached it and, the moment they were at the bank of the river he was quick to let go of Finn and moved to sit down. Drawing in a breath he did his best to relax, his gaze falling on his injured ankle, only to turn towards Finn when he noticed him leaving. He raised a brow but didn't say anything, instead letting his eyes follow the male as he moved up to a ledge and, with a running start, jumped off of it and into the water after shedding his clothes. Though Raihn had attempted not to, he'd found it almost impossible to not look at Finn's body, naked except for the boxers he wore. God, why did an asshole like him have to be so fucking attractive? Quickly he looked away, not wanting to be caught staring, and instead turned his focus to his ankle once more. For several seconds he was still before he moved to reach forward and carefully begin slipping off his socks. ((I am so sorry this is such a shitty and short response. I think all the calculus I was doing fried my brain. >.> I could not for the life of me think of something to type...))

Finn was quick to get cold, but he didn't want to get out straight away. He kept his whole body under the water, only leaving his head out but even that made him cold. Dipping back under fully, he swam a bit closer to shore. When he rose back to the surface, stepping on the slimy, disgusting rocks, the water was now up to his elbows. Goosebumps were very much present on his slightly tan body. His tattoos were showing, most of them anyway, he had one on his thigh that was partially covered by his underwear. It was clear that he was cold, but he was quick to get back under the water fully. Since he was now used to the water, it was almost warmer staying under than not. After a few more minutes in the water, Finn decided he should probably get out. If he stayed in any longer, his body would have gone numb, his lips were already purple. He began swimming to shore, standing on the rocks when he could, the water ran down his skin. He brought his hands up to his face to attempt to clear his face before running his fingers through his dreads. He walked cautiously but quickly in order to get his feet off the nasty rocks as soon as possible. He took a deep breath when he got onto shore, moving towards his clothes immediately. The cool air made him even colder, so his teeth began to chatter a bit. He didn't want to get his clothes all wet, so he decided to let his body air dry a bit.
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As far as Raihn was concerned, Finn was as crazy as he was a jerk. Jumping into ice-cold water without a second thought. There was no way in hell someone could pay him enough to do that. It was already cold enough with his clothes on without stripping and getting wet. Drawing in a breath he pulled off the sock on his injured ankle and, conscious of how much he effort he had to put in not to look at Finn, Raihn moved to slip his other sock off. Setting them off to the side he then pushed himself to his feet, ever mindful of his injured ankle as he unbuttoned his pants and slid them off. It didn't surprise him all that much that there was a hint of blood on his thighs considering the metallic fluid had seeped through the fabric of his pants. It would be simple enough to wash off though, all he had to do was get into the water, deep enough to either splash water onto his thighs or have water covering them completely. The idea of stepping into the frigid river wasn't the slightest bit appealing but at least he wouldn't be jumping from a ledge and fully submerging himself. Clenching his jaw he moved to step out of his pants once they pooled around his feet. The pain that shot up his ankle at even this short-lived pressure had him seeing spots, and his eyes tearing up. "Damn it..." He breathed with a shake of his head before he moved to take off his shirt and toss it onto his steadily growing pile of clothes.

Finn looked around for his own rock to sit on, and once he found one he liked, he sat down. Even though he was only in his underwear, he still manspread to the max. He was comfortable with his body and didn't care who saw him, especially if he still had some form of clothes on. Even though his underwear was kind of tight, he still didn't care that much. Finn turned his gaze towards Raihn, who was just taking his shirt off. Finn didn't notice he had already taken his pants off, and even though he knew he'd have to strip, it still surprised him. Finn examined Raihn's body, his eyes running up and down his chest, back, and legs. Finn made no attempt to hide his sexuality, but finding this guy attractive should be illegal. Even thinking that, Finn couldn't seem to take his eyes off of Raihn. Finn had to force his eyes elsewhere, trying his hardest not to look. He wanted to so badly because damn was he hot. Raihn being shirtless made Finn's heart beat faster. He swallowed before taking a deep breath, looking out into the water, glancing at Raihn every now and then.
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Raihn was well aware of his attractiveness. He'd spent his life being someone who caught the eyes of those he walked by or interacted with, so despite feeling Finn's eyes on him he kept his gaze on the river. He was comfortable in his body, and so didn't feel even the slightest bit of hesitation or uncertainty as he slipped his shirt off, revealing his tan and unblemished skin, the tattoo on his shoulder, or the muscles that were clearly visible due to how he had so often worked out before... well before all of this shit had happened and he found himself alone, homeless, and on the run. Letting out a soft sigh he dropped his shirt onto his pile of clothes and stretched his arms up before he let them drop to his side. Now that he was in nothing but his boxers, he simply needed to get into the water and wash off. Easier said than done, he realized, as getting far enough into the water to actually be able to clean himself off would require his walking, and considering he couldn't stand even the slightest bit of pressure on his ankle he wasn't entirely sure whether or not he'd be able to do it on his own. His gaze shifted to Finn, and it was then that he paused, catching the way the guy was glancing at him. "What?" He asked after a moment, a brow raised.

Finn was caught a bit off guard when Raihn looked back at him, it made his heart jump. He'd been caught staring at him, and that made him nervous. "N-nothing." Finn said, shaking his head a bit before adding, "I just want to be looking when you fall in." Finn joked. Good save Finn. After he had spoken, he looked away slightly. He chuckled a bit at the comment he made about Raihn falling it, it would be funny, that was for sure, but it would also be a little sad. Finn knew it would probably hurt, but that was the only part that would make him feel bad. The muscles, his tattoo, Finn just couldn't keep his eyes off of him for too long. Raihn's body was too attractive not to stare at. He thickly swallowed, shaking his head ever so slightly. Stop staring at him! He clenched his hands into a fist, trying to bite back the urge. He was still attracted to women, but he never stared at Aleria or Jinx this way- maybe a little with Aleria, but he had stopped once they got closer. He still thought both Jinx and Aleria were hot, but he didn't like them like that. He saw them more as best friends than anything. Sure, he'd kiss them, but he didn't feel much, it was just fun sometimes.
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Despite the fact that Raihn very nearly despised Finn entirely, he couldn't help but feel pleased at the idea that his appearance, his body was something the guy was struggling to not look at. Hearing his stammered response and then his hurried attempt to give an excuse, Raihn raised a brow. He wasn't sure he believed that at all. That, and the idea that the guy might want to see him fall in was infuriating. "Well, then you're out of luck. Because I have no intention of falling." He said, his tone firm and holding a confidence that he didn't exactly feel. For a long moment, he let his gaze rest on Finn before he looked away with a mildly annoyed sigh and turned his eyes back to the water. All you need to do is take it easy, Raihn. One step at a time. He told himself, though for what seemed like several minutes he didn't attempt to move from where he stood, and when he finally did it was with a sharp intake of breath and a tightly clenched jaw. The moment he put weight on the ankle that he'd injured, pain exploded within it, but despite the fact that it was bad enough to make his vision blur with tears, it wasn't nearly as bad as it had been yesterday. This was doable, at least it felt like it was. When he reached the edge of the river he halted for only a second before he moved too slowly, and with an incredibly heavy limp, move into it.