
Finn's gaze was once again pulled from the burning wood when the male spoke again. He raised his brows when the guy said that he was going to be cleaning the bloody clothes. "You are gonna wash them? You can't even stand up and you'd have to go to the river to clean them." Finn spoke with a sniving tone. Finn assumed the guy probably thought that he'd be able to wash it here with the water they had, but hell no. They all didn't like the clean water used to wash clothes, they only used it to deep clean the clothes after a month or so. The river was still their main source to do laundry, and Finn wasn't about to let it slide with the random guy. Finn was getting a bit fed up with having to do everything for the guy, but he couldn't stand so Finn kind of had to. He could help, or watch the guy struggle. It didn't sound too bad of an idea but Finn tries to be a decent guy or so he likes to think that. He scoffed a bit as he looked at the poor, helpless male. He then moved towards his tent and grabbed some random pair of pants he had. He then brought them to the male and set them beside him where there was no blood on the ground.
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Raihn raised a brow as the silence continued for a lot longer than he thought it might after he posed his question. Was asking for a clean pair of pants so fucking unbelievable? He'd just dirtied his own by gutting the two rabbits to help this guy. Sure it had partially been in an attempt to return the favor after he'd helped him the other day, but letting him borrow some pants would be a nice way to go about returning the favor, and offering him a little help in return, no? When Finn finally did respond, Raihn frowned and narrowed his eyes in a less than amused glower. "I can walk." He said, his tone a little more sharp than he'd intended, though he made no attempt to apologize or soften it as he continued. "And yeah, wash them. I can't very well stay in this fucking things now can I?" He questioned. Hearing Finn scoff, Raihn's glare hardened ever so slightly and he watched him move to the tent and return a few moments later with a pair of pants. Watching as the guy set them down a short distance away he let out a sigh before nodding. "Thanks." He said. "Now, mind helping me up?" He questioned, turning his gaze back to Finn and arching a brow.

Finn looked at the male like really dude, after he asked if he minded to help him up. "So you need my help up but you can walk." Finn said, continuing to stare at him. He cannot be serious, Finn thought. He shook his head softly but asked no further questions, instead, he moved to help him up. Finn held a hand out, waiting for the male to reach for it. Once the male finally reached for it, Finn used most of his strength to pull his arm back in order to help the male up. He ended up grabbing the dude's forearm with his free hand to pull him up quicker. "You gonna attempt to get to the river now or something?" Finn asked, chuckling at the guy a bit. Like he was ever going to make it. Well, he'd make it... at some point, just not very quickly. (Ahhh sorry its so short)
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Raihn caught the look that Finn gave him the moment he'd asked his question and arched a brow. Was it really so weird for him to ask for some help getting up? Considering the state of his ankle, and the fact that he was sitting with his legs stretched out in front of him, getting up on his own without causing himself some serious pain would be impossible. When Finn spoke he huffed and shook his head. "Yeah, I'll be fine." He huffed and then glanced down at the hand that was extended towards him. After a moment's hesitation, he reached out to take it and clenched his jaw as he was pulled to his feet. It hurt a lot more than he thought it would, moving from sitting like he had been to now standing, his injured foot barely touching the ground. At Finn's next question, he raised a brow. "I was planning on it." He said after a moment, studying him before smirking. "Why, want to help me get down to the river?" He questioned as he looked at him. ((No worries, mine is pretty short to. lol))

Finn gave him another look when he asked another dumb question. "What am I, your knight and shining armour or something?" Finn said with a slight joking tone in his voice. He smirked a bit and let go of the male's hand. "I don't even know you're name yet." Finn spoke with a curious but casual tone. Finn then studied the man, looking him up and down. Yeah, he sure was making it to probably their makeshift shower and toilet before he gave up. He then folded his arms again, waiting for a response.
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Raihn scoffed at the response he was given and rolled his eyes in mild annoyance. "A knight in shining armor?" He repeated, making sure his tone made it clear that that was the last thing he thought about the male standing before him. At his smirk and following words he raised a brow. "You never asked." He said, making no attempt to give his name just yet. He intentionally remained silent for a long couple of seconds before smirking faintly. "Was that you asking for my name?" He asked, mildly amused and entertained as he looked at him. Instead of waiting for an answer, he let his smirk grow and turned to place a hand on the wall to help support himself as he began to move away and toward the nearest door of the building that he was in. It was slow going, and painful but he grit his teeth and refused to let his discomfort show. He'd be damned if he let Finn get all smug about being correct in his statement that he couldn't walk.

Finn was a little speechless after the male had spoken. It was true he never asked, and how the male responded made Finn slightly nervous. It was the goddamn smirk, that was what was doing it. Finn silently watched as the male began to walk away, but then he was quick to follow, of course slowing right down since he was going slow XD. "Yes." Finn said quietly, wanting to know the male's name. He intently watched the man as he continued to walk, Finn knew he was in pain but the man was sure good at hiding it. Finn followed, walking by the male's side, patiently waiting for an answer. Why was knowing his name so important, Finn asked himself. Finn didn't know, but he just wanted to know.
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Raihn felt the corners of his lips curl up as his smirk grew a little more upon hearing Finn quickly move to follow after him. Did he feel almost... pleased? Happy even at the idea that not only was Finn wanting his name but he was willing to follow him to get it. To think that this man, who seemed to dislike him so much, cared such a great deal about knowing his name. When he heard his answer, the quiet "yes" that permeated the relative silence he looked towards him, his green gaze observant, studying, memorizing before he gave a nod. "I suppose it's only fair since I know your name." He started, though he fell quiet. Intentionally he let a moment of silence fill the air between them before he gave a shrug. "Raihn." He said finally, shifting his gaze back to Finn. He was still refusing to let any sign of his pain show, though the only tell tale sign was how he was already beginning to lean more heavily against the wall he'd been using for support as he walked.

Finn's gaze shifted to the male once he began to speak, but then adverted back to the ground when he paused. It was only silent for a moment before the guy spoke again, finally sharing his name."Raihn." Finn repeated quietly to himself, "Mhm." He then added. He continued to slowly walk beside him, before realizing that Raihn didn't even know where the river was, or at least that's what Finn assumed. "I'm assuming you don't know the way to the river, or do you?" Finn asked, looking back over at Raihn. He thought his name was pretty unique, he's never met someone named Raihn, until now. He walked a little faster, beginning to slightly lead the way before he even got an answer. He then turned around, wondering if he had any laundry that needed to be done. He probably had a bit of laundry, as well as the girls but laundry day was Sunday and it was only Friday. He turned back around and kept walking.
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Raihn drew in a breath when he heard the sound of his name being uttered from Finn's lips. The moment he caught himself doing so he frowned. What the fuck was that? He questioned, his internal tone scolding. He was not so desperate as to be so fucking attracted and drawn in by the sound of someone like Finn saying his name.... right? He was grateful when the sound of Finn's voice broke through his thoughts and pulled his attention towards him. He listened to his question, slowing to a stop upon hearing it and raising a brow. "The river?" He questioned as if the very idea that Finn felt the need to ask him that, was offensive. Finally, he shook his head and cleared his throat before looking forward. "I have an idea of where it is." He said, and though he remained still a second longer he huffed before he moved to begin walking once again, continuing to use the wall for support as he did so. ((Sorry it's so short.))