
Skylar roamed the halls for a good 15 minutes before returning to art class. When he walked into class he immediately looked at Alex. His gaze stayed on him for a while before looking at his phone. Once he got to his desk he sat down and continued to be on his phone. He was quite excited to go to the farm today, maybe he and Alex would talk more. "Hey could my friend come to this party?" Sky turned his head towards Alex and asked.
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For the fifteen minutes that Skylar was gone, Alex had done his best to focus solely on his drawing. He wanted to ignore any of his thoughts or budding feelings for Skylar. Biting at his bottom lip as he drew, a habit of his when he was immersed in his work, he had just about finished the solid outline of the horse and had started building and defining the equine's muscle with some shading. He'd been so focused that he hadn't realized Skylar had returned to the classroom until he heard his voice. Jumping slightly he looked up and toward him. "What?" He asked though he'd heard the question. "Oh, yeah sure they can come." He said somewhat hurriedly and with a small smile.

Skylar looked Alex up and down, examining him and then looked at what he was drawing. Sky stayed silent after Alex had answered his question. He pulled out his phone and all his attention was now on his phone. He began to text Chris. "Hey man there's a party this weekend, Im pretty sure it's on Saturday at 7ish, I'll send you the address in a second." Sky texted, sending the address after copying it from Alex's message. Skylar then stayed on Chris's messages and waited for his response. Sky hoped he would be able to go or else he might not go.
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Alex let his blue hues remain on Skylar, watching as he retrieved his phone. He figured that he was messaging his friend, alerting him to the invite to the party and its location. He smiled slightly and let his gaze linger on Skylar for a while longer before he looked away and back at his drawing. He sketched a few more lines on the horse, before setting his pencil down. There was still more shading and detail that could be done, but he'd likely do that later. He looked over the unfinished drawing before closing his sketchbook and leaning back in his seat with a quiet sigh.

After a while of silence between Sky and Alex, the bell rang. Skylar got up and grabbed his backpack. He looked over at Alex and smiled. "I'll see ya at work." Sky said as he pushed in his chair. He left the art room and made his way through the halls. He then made his way to his next class and sat down at his seat.
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When the bell rang signaling the end of class, Alex quickly gathered together his sketchbook and pencils. He put them in his bag before zipping his bag and then going to stand up. Hearing Skylar he paused before looking over at him and giving a nod. "Alright, see ya." He said before moving to leave the classroom. He navigated the high school halls pausing for a few minutes to talk with his friends who always seemed to find one another between classes. After mingling with them he continued on his way to class and upon reaching it took his seat near the back of the class.

(I forgot they had next class together so Im just gonna make him skip) Skylar made his way through the halls, he texted Chris earlier to see if he wanted to skip and he agreed. Sky met up with Chris at his locker. "Wanna go smoke?" Sky asked. "Yeah." Chris answered as he started walking. They both made their way outside and started walking back to Sky's house. Once they got to Sky's they lit up a joint and started to smoke. "We going back for english?" Sky asked. "I guess." Chris said after taking a hit.
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((Skipping to the end of the school day)) After dropping his bag off at his house and in his room, as was his habit before heading to the ranch, Alex left the room and headed down the stairs. The house was as quiet as it always was when he got home from school, his mother and father were both working and his sister was finishing her own school day. It seemed odd and uncomfortable at times, to have the house so quiet, it was one of the reasons he'd jumped on the idea of getting a job. One he'd get to work with horses, creatures he loved and adored, and two he didn't have to be home when it was so eerily quiet. Working also gave him a paycheck and some extra pocket money. That was always nice, especially since he was trying to save up for a car. ` Slipping out of the house, Alex closed and locked the door before heading down the road and toward the ranch. He took in a deep breath of the fresh air, a small smile gracing his lips as he walked. He could hear the sounds of cars on one of the town's main roads as people headed to and from work or to get other errands done before the end of the day.

Skylar got home in his spare and decided to take a nap. Although he always went to the farm right after 3rd period, it wasn't mandatory. Sky liked the extra money, but today he was just really tired. But he did make sure to text Daryl and let him know. He had set an alarm for the time that Alex would be arrived and once it went off he got up. He didn't need to do anything really before leaving, he just changed his sweatpants to shorts since it was hot outside. He put on deodorant before leaving and brushed his hair before putting it up in a bun at the back. As Skylar arrived at the farm he made his to the barn. He checked to see if all the horses had food, filling up any that needed it. He also then mucked out the stalls that needed it. Once he was done with that he made his way out to the pasture. He kept glancing over at the driveway, waiting for Alex to show up.
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The walk was enjoyable, as it always was. Alex quite enjoyed the time he spent walking to and from work. It was a time when he was allowed to relax and enjoy himself fully. Since he was alone, he didn't feel like he had to keep up appearances either. There were no parents to hide from, no friends to lie to and pretend with, it was just himself and the world around him. Reaching the ranch driveway, Alex looked up and toward the pasture where the horses were and then to the barn. He wondered if Skylar was there yet, already laboring away to get the stalls cleaned and the animals fed. He found himself smiling at the thought before he could stop himself. Shaking his head and swiftly wiping the smile from his lips he started down the driveway and towards the barn. As he was approaching the barn doors, he caught sight of Skylar making his way out to the pasture. He paused for a second, brow raised before he moved to follow him. "Hey!" He called after a moment.