
Finn carefully watched as the male had once again begun to cut the rabbit open. He tried to keep his face as straight as possible, not showing any emotion, but every now and then he'd make a disgusted face. What he was witnessing was disgusting, but not the worst thing in the world. He made no effort to look at the male's face, instead, he watched his hands. He watched how he did it, and what he did to gut the rabbit. Since the male wasn't really talking him through it, he would need to keep his eyes open to see every little thing he did. When the male finished with the first rabbit, he continued to look down at the pool of blood on the male's thighs. That's when the thought occurred to him that he would probably have to help the guy shower or something. He looked up at the male when he spoke, pushing his own thoughts away. Cupcake? Did he just call him cupcake? That was something... "Yeah." Finn replied, with a fake-ass smile on his face. He did the fake smile on purpose, to emphasize the sarcasm in his answer.
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The nickname that Raihn had dished out had surprised him a little, but considering the jerk next to him had been so thoughtful in dishing nicknames out the night before, it was deserved. There were a few reasons he'd chosen that specific name, the look of disgust on his face upon looking at the now gutted rabbit was one but the other was that Raihn didn't like sweets, detested them even. Always had. Such feelings were similar to how he felt about the male next to him. Hearing his response he raised a brow, quickly catching the sarcasm and the smile that only seemed to emphasize it. "Good." He said with a sarcastic smile of his own. "Any questions?" He asked as he glanced at the cleaned rabbit in his lap before looking back at Finn. (Sorry it's short and for any typos. I typed it up on my phone.)

Finn gave a quick glance when the male asked if he had any questions. He had many, but he wasn't going to ask any of them, except for one. His gaze turned to the guts that were on the ground beside the male's thigh. "Uh yeah, what the fuck do we do with that. Let the animals eat it right?" Finn asked, knowing that he probably answered his own question. He wasn't about to pick it up and throw it outside though. He then realized that he would have to do it because the guy quite literally couldn't walk. He accepted it and put on a face of defeat. Since there were predators in these woods, Finn assumed he'd have to go far if he even had to put it outside. He was quick to jump to conclusions but he was curious about what he was supposed to do with the insides. He'd have to know for when he does it himself.
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Raihn was certain that there was a plethora of questions Finn had, though whether or not he'd actually pose them was the real question. Letting his gaze remain on the male at his side he watched as he looked at the entrails on the ground at his thigh and then listened to his question. The way he phrased it almost pulled a laugh from Raihn but he managed to halt it before it escaped him. "There's a few things you can do with it." He said, glancing down at the guts against his thigh. "One, you could dump it, or you could use it to fish. That is, assuming you have fishing line and hooks." He said as he looked at him with a raised brow. Considering the fact that food seemed to be a concern of his he had little doubt that the idea of adding another source of food to their supply would entice him. After a few moments, he looked away with a soft sigh and towards the freshly cleaned and skinned rabbit and then to the other one that still needed to be gutted.

Finn returned his gaze to the male once he started speaking. A few things, Sky thought. He was puzzled a bit when the male had said that because the only thing he could think of was to throw it away. When the male had said that it could be used for fishing his face lit up. "Oh yeah that's so true! Thank god you said that or else I would have totally just dumped it somewhere in the woods. I suppose it can also be used to lure other animals to try and kill them or whatever." Finn replied, studying the male's face as he spoke. "Wicked." Finn then said quietly to himself. He looked down at the other rabbit, the one that hadn't been cleaned out yet. It was gross watching the other rabbit get gutted but it surely would be easier watching a second time. It would get easier every time, at least Finn hoped it would. Now as he stared at the second rabbit, he felt more at ease. He knew how it was going to look and what the guy was going to do. Before he didn't know what he was going to see, it scared him more not knowing.
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Raihn let his gaze return to Finn when he heard him begin to respond. He paused upon seeing how his face seemed to light up. Stunning. That was the only thing that he could say about that look in Finn's eyes as he spoke. Catching himself staring he cleared his throat and looked away with a nod, fighting back a smile as he did so. "I suppose you could, though the animals who'd come to eat this, aren't generally ones you'd want to try and kill." He said before he moved to shift a little as he sat. He winced a little as this act moved his ankle, but fortunately, the pain wasn't too unbearable. "Okay, let's get this other one over with." He said and turning his gaze to the other rabbit he grabbed it and put it on his lap. Picking up the knife he moved to begin cutting at the abdomen again, this time however he began to talk, walking the male through each action he made as he first gutted the rabbit and then moved to skin it. He made sure to be as detailed as possible so that the next time there were rabbits, Finn would hopefully be able to try his hand at gutting and skinning them.

Finn listened and watched as the male instructed him when gutting and skinning the next one. He was surprised the male talked him through it, he didn't seem like the type to when he was silent doing the first one. Finn was quiet, listening intently and nodding now and then. He found himself glancing up at the male quite a bit, and not because the rabbit was too gross to look at. He didn't know why, he did it subconsciously. When the male in front of him seemed to be done with the second rabbit, Finn's eyes returned to his face. "Thank you for this." Finn simply said. He was grateful that the guy had taught him because who else would? If it weren't for him, Finn would end up having to try it alone without knowing anything. Most likely if he did that without any prior knowledge, he would end up wasting a bunch of meat. "We'll use that for fishing at some point, I'll just get it out of your vicinity." Finn said, moving to stand up. He made one slightly disgusted look before grabbing all of the gross stuff. He nearly gagged, but knew he'd have to get used to it. He brought it somewhere that he could store it for the time being though he knew they'd have to use it real soon. He then washed off his hands really good before bringing a bowl of water, a cloth, and some soap to the male. Finn assumed he'd want to clean up a bit after doing such a thing. "Here you are." Finn said softly, putting everything at the male's side before grabbing the rabbit pelts and meat. He walked back toward the fire and set everything down. Since they didn't have a cool place to store things, meat and food would go bad a lot quicker. They would end up having to eat most of the rabbit meat today, but that wasn't an issue.
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Raihn had been too caught up in his own thoughts, too stuck on the memories he'd shared with his father. Those long summers of camping, fall-filled days of hunting, and all the precious moments that came with it. He'd learned so much from his father, from both of his parents. His chest tightened as he thought of them. His mother whose love for him was evident in everything that she did, and his father who so clearly treasured the moments they spent together as much as Raihn did. Please be doing well. He had wanted to call them, to get ahold of them and let them know that he was okay but he'd been too afraid. Afraid of getting them involved, of having to hear their worry, fear, and concern for him, and of their confusion and questions. Biting at the inside of his cheek hard enough to draw blood, Raihn did his best to turn his thoughts to other things. Drawing in a breath he looked over at Finn and listened as he spoke. The male's words of thanks shocked him but he wasn't so uncouth as to turn them down. Instead, he gave a slight nod. "You're welcome." And, surprisingly he meant it. He was glad that he could return the favor, and help this guy and his two companions as much as they'd already helped him. Bringing him here, giving him a roof over his head, and a warm blanket to sleep under. ` As Finn stood, Raihn let his gaze follow him, watching as he first moved to remove the entrails from the pile he'd set them in by his thigh. The fact that he'd considered that, and was acting to clean it up was something that Riahn was both impressed with and grateful for. He didn't thank him though, at least, not until the guy returned with a bowl of water and some soap. "Thanks..." He said, his tone a mix of surprise and reluctance. For a second, Raihns green gaze lingered on Finn a moment longer before he turned to look at the bowl of water, and without too much hesitation he moved to first clean the pocket knife and then his hands. The blood came off quickly, and with the help of the soap he'd been given, it wasn't long before he'd managed to clean the blood from his fingers and hands. As he washed his hands, Riahn found his gaze wandering towards Finn, taking in the sight of him as he stood next to the fire. "Hey, do you uhm... do you maybe have some clothes I can change into?" He asked after a moment of silence, recalling how his pants and thighs were as covered in blood as his hands had been.

Finn stood in front of the fire, simply just taking in his surroundings. He also then thought deeper into the interaction he had just had with the male. He didn't even know his name yet, and he was dying to figure it out. He was a bit nervous to ask for the guy's name, but under the circumstances, he should since the guy might be stuck there for a while. He was pulled out of his own thoughts when the male began to speak to him again, turning his head in response. "Uh, yeah." Finn said unsurely. He did have clothes he just didn't really want that guy to be wearing them. He also now realized that he'd have to wash the guy's clothes at some point. He didn't mind but he didn't really want to do it. "That sure is a lot of blood." Finn then said, looking down at the male's legs from where he was standing. Finn assumed the male wouldn't ask to shower, he didn't think he would have the balls to or even want to. Finn would help him, but he wasn't about to offer yet another thing to the guy. He was a big boy, he could speak for himself. If he wants food, water, or even needs to piss, Finn would help him because the guy needed it, but he should be the one asking not Finn. Finn didn't start moving, he wanted to hear another response from the male incase he asked to shower or something. He crossed his arms, his body still facing the fire but his head turned to face the male.
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Rain kept his green gaze fixed on the male standing by the fire. He caught himself studying him, taking in his defining features, his hair, the way he held himself. He'd be lying if he said he didn't find Finn attractive because he did. Being attracted to him and liking him though, were two different things. Based on the interactions they had the guy was insufferable, rude, arrogant, and not at all someone that Raihn would ever, normally, be around. But this situation was anything but normal. At least not for him, his entire life 'normal' had been remaining on the right side of the law, excelling in whatever he put his mind to, working hard, and making his parents proud. These past several months he'd failed at doing all of those, hell, look at the situation he was in. He was currently homeless, and on the run, and his parents were likely worried and horrified about what they were being told about him. Shaking his head he shoved such thoughts aside. He'd had too much time to think, way too fucking much. Getting into his head was doing him no favors. Lifting a hand he ran his fingers through his hair and listened as Finn spoke before giving a nod. "Can I barrow some, at the very least some pants so I can have something to wear while I clean these." He said, gesturing to his bloodied pants, his gaze still fixed on Finn as he spoke.