Hey, what about if people pay to breed with your female wolf. Do you get the pups in your den or their den? I'm just wonderin'.
A pregnant female always gives birth in their den. A female cannot give birth to pups in a different den.
Your female gives birth - pups in your den If your male breeds to someone else's female - pups in the female's den
If a person pays to breed with your female, your female will give birth in your den. From there you can put a pup on the market to be bought - if you're a premium, you can privately sell them to the pack.
Cockatiel said: so 4 americen days
All days, regardless of where you are, are the same length.
i was wondering if there was like dens i could send my preggo wolves to if i dont have the space??
werepickle said: i was wondering if there was like dens i could send my preggo wolves to if i dont have the space??
Some people board wolves. You would have to find someone who would board your wolf until she gives birth, or would board another wolf to make space in your den
Is there anything you can give a pregnant wolf to help it go faster or no?
The Hope Pack said: Is there anything you can give a pregnant wolf to help it go faster or no?
If your wolf is in labor you can give them a toucan feather and they'll give birth immediately, you can find toucan feathers for sale in barter or find them yourself in the jungle terrain if you have high enough dominance and stubble across the bird watcher. You can also buy a fertility figurine under the apple section of barter, if you purchase it and apply it to your wolf they'll give birth immediately, you can use a fertility figurine at any time of their pregnancy. (if you buy a fertility figurine make sure you buy the right one.)
Can I slow down my wolf's birth?