
 post1 🌀 whispr woods, a collaborative adopt project. 🌀 all art & lore (c) starmutt.285787 sequel to discontinued: 🔮 ___ Beyond the swamp and witch's hut... our traveler continues into what lies ahead: A forest of changing trees and ghostly wisps. You brush past vines and undergrowth, as if a force is pulling you deeper into the shadows. You hesitate. "Are you afraid?" ___ The voice echoes on the edges of your skull. It is difficult to tell if it's real or not. It's strange, yet it calms you. You press onwards. ___ You hear noises in the dark and spy movement among the brush. A light appears in the distance.. a crossroad and a lamp post. It beckons to you despite being inanimate.  ___ Welcome to my first collaborative adopt! I hope this goes well, but it is in major playtesting because I myself have no experience with interactives. ___ You can quick jump to posts on desktop/pc by using ctrl+f to find my post number indicators. "post#" Edited at July 18, 2024 12:48 AM by starmutt
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_ . - Rules & Contents - . _ | post2 ___ 1) This is a collaborative adopt project. Interactives are done by writers and art is done by me, starmutt. ___ 2) This project is done as a canonical sequel to my previous defunct adopts, witchpup's hut. All adopts there will be grandfathered into the new database. ___3) Please do not quote posts. It's extremely cluttering and makes it harder for everyone to process orders. ___ 4) Each player may get one slot. Until that slot is removed from my list, the same player may not order another slot. I'm aware alt accounts exist. If suspicious & consistent transfers persist I will notice. ___ 5) I will not run a "den" forum, nor will I conduct trades/resales for you. Trades can be discussed by players by themselves, as you do with any regular design adopts. All I do is draw. ___ 6) Notify me if ownership changes, please post in the thread instead of PMs for receipt reasons. The database can not be updated otherwise. ___ 7) I don't care what you change with the design as an OC, just credit me for original. They stay without changes in my personal database. This is the design that'll used for purposes within these adopts.  x Table of Contents 1. Lore Introduction 2. Rules, Table of Contents 3. Choice Catalog 4. Purchase Form & Slots 5. Breeding Form & Slots 6. tba 7. Credits Edited at July 17, 2024 06:57 AM by starmutt
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___ You reach the crossroads, where a single lantern shines dully from its pole. It shines slightly brighter as you approach. Slumping down against the post, you slide to the soft grass, feeling oh so.. sleepy... "Experience a memory with me... nomad.." ___ Unable to fight against the sudden tiredness, you quickly fall to a slumber, in which your mind awaken in a landscape that feels eerily similar to where you fell asleep. 🎶 "Welcome, to a memory, A measurement of life." "Do not fret, your body is safe. The Lantern will guard your vessel." ___ Calmed once more by the voice, you breathe a long sigh. Paths open up before you once you pick up your lantern. Which one will you take? Note: Your choices within the interactive will be the only thing affecting the appearance, no items will change that. Should your assigned writer allow it, you can use items scavenged on your journey such as wild sticks and rocks. !! all prices may be adjusted in future !!  "You hold a lantern in your hand, what color is it?" [ base price 500m ]
Nothing... | You venture onward with an extinguished lantern... | Moonlit Blue | A soft blue, reminiscent of the moonlight. + Attracts Lupines | Hunter Green !!Unavailable!! | A deep green, like the vines overhead. + Attracts Felids
| Sunset Red !!Unavailable!! | A orange-red glow, like a setting sun. + Attracts Saurians | x "You feel around in your pockets, what do you find?" [ carry-on item, no usage, pick one ] Nothing... +0 mush | Must've been your imagination. | Pocket Watch +50 mush | Tick tock.. tick tock... + Attracts Female | Carved Figurine +50 mush | Carved from wood, a mysterious creature. + Attracts Male | x "You open a box near the lamp post. What's in there?" [ one-time use, items must be used before capture ] [ pick multiple ok, duplicates no ] Nothing... +0 mush | Darn, rotten luck. | Glittering Vial +50 mush | A small vial of glittering dust. + Guarantee of mutation carrier. Chance of mutation. | Music Box +100 mush !!Unavailable!! | A small box with an eerie tune. + Guarantee of accessory. Chance of companion. | Wacky Orb +50 mush | You feel like you're being watched. + Make starmutt tell you what your current roll looks like. Why would you want that? | Edited at July 18, 2024 12:49 AM by starmutt
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_ . - Purchase Form - . _ | post4 ___ Form can be found below! Please fill it out, and wait for the end of the interaction and starmutt's reply before sending any form of payment. Do not send any payment beforehand. ___ Interactive can be removed for a faster process (items will be used automatically), but that means you'll accept an entirely random adopt. A short interactive is around 5 responses, while a long interactive might reach ~10 responses. Pack Name: Pack ID: Lantern: Items: Interactive: Long/Short/None Toyhouse: ___ Example form can be found below: Pack Name: starmutt Pack ID: 285787 Lantern: Moonlit Blue Items: Glittering Vial Interactive: Short Toyhouse: starmutt  Slots Open: 0/2
Slot 1 [ - tba - ] Pack Name: Pack ID: Lantern: Items: Slot 2 [ - Interactive Writer: StarlightDreamer - ] done via hiatus, waiting on adopt Pack Name: Golden Meadows Pack ID: 280425 Lantern: Moonlit Blue Items: Carved Figurine, Glittering Vial
x Edited at July 17, 2024 08:35 AM by starmutt
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"Where the magic is potent and foxfires dance.." [ base breeding price is 1000m ] ___ 1) One female, one male; to breed. ID can be found on the image!
___ 2) Different adopt species (eg. Lupine x Felis) by default cannot breed. Adopts from witchpup's hut can breed with whispr wood adopts. ___ 3) Should you wish to breed to another player's adopt, you need them to pm me or post some form of "confirming ___ can breed with ___" post after your breed form. The player filling the form pays for and gets the offspring. ___ 4) Same with purchase orders, each player may only get one slot until it is finished and removed from my list. ___ 5) 1 slot = 1 offspring. You need to breed the same pair again if you want more than 1 offspring. Very very rarely will I make 2 offsprings, so don't really think of it as a chance. ___ 6) Babies grow up after 1 week and will be breedable after. You will have both images. x Breeding Form ___ Form can be found below! Please fill it out, and wait for my confirmation before sending any form of payment. Do not send any payment beforehand. I would like to breed my adopts! Pack Name: Pack ID: Female Familiar ID: Male Familiar ID: Items: Toyhouse: x Breeding Items Nothing. +0 mush | You breed without any extra items. | Solar Dust +100 mush | Dust made from crushed sunstones, it glitters like gold under the right light. + Guarantee male offspring - cannot be used with Lunar Mist | Lunar Mist +100 mush | A rare mist collected under the fullest moons, carefully stored in opaque bottles. + Guarantee female offspring - cannot be used with Solar Dust | Eldertree Amber +200 mush !!Unavailable!! | Can be carefully processed into a potion; used to connect with nature itself. + Allow breeding between different species |  Breeding Slots Open: 0/1 Breeding Slot Queue 1. ----
x Edited at April 16, 2024 02:49 AM by starmutt
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___ All this could not have been possible without writers for the interactives! This is a part I personally am unable to keep up with (0 attention span sorry) so having others reach out with interest to do it? Thank you <3
___ Writers that have displayed remarkable skill with their interactive(s) will be given Lead Writer role. This title doesn't have any responsibilities nor special privileges tied to it, but it is recommended that other writers read their responses as well to see where they can improve with descriptions and details. ___ ⛰️ Appalachian Entity (he/they) #220404 ______ Completed: 1 ______ 🖋️ Lead Writer
___ 🐉 Long Wang #303109 ______ Completed: 1 ___ 🪶 Raven Wing (she/they) #304951 ______ Completed: 0 ___ ✨ StarlightDreamer #305792 ______ Completed: 3 ___ 🦌 RottingCervine (he/they) #311132 ______ Completed: 1 ___ We are always hiring new writers! You will be paid for every interactive you finish. Read the information below for more information if interested! 📝 --- ___ All art on this page, the title art, adopts, including the little dividers, are made by me. I will not use other artists' bases or linework on this post. Do not use the decoration assets on this page (headers, dividers, etc.), they are not for free use. ___ Adopts purchased here may not be resold outside of WolfPlay. This may change in the future. The bases are not free to use.  x Edited at April 16, 2024 02:51 AM by starmutt
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HI Pack Name: Reprobate Pack ID: 292883 Lantern: Moonlit Blue (begrudgingly 😒) Items: Carved Figurine, Glittering Vial Interactive: Long/Short/None: Short!
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Reprobate The sounds of various bird calls are what wake you from your slumber, unidentifiable yet not dangerous in an eerie but beautiful way. Hazily, you open your eyes near an identical lamppost to the one you remember falling asleep next to. A small carved figure finds your hand as you rifle through your pockets, and after digging through the box by the lamppost find a glittering vial of unown contents. The land around you is covered in a thin mist, allowing you to barely see your surroundings. You, however, can see a few feet in front of you illuminated by a blue light thanks to the lantern by your side. Spinning around, you can see both a beaten dirt path and what seems to be a forest clearing, though it's hard to tell. Of course, nothing is stopping you from making your own way through the trees A) Go down the beaten path B) Head towards the clearing C) Make your own way through D) See if you can move the lantern to get a better view of your surroundings E) Free response --- --- --- Items - Moonlit Blue Lantern - Carved Figure - Glittering Vial Edited at March 18, 2024 01:41 PM by Raven Wing

C, I make my own way through the trees
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