
Welcome to the delightful world of shrimpies and tempura! Hello, and welcome to my little silly project id love to share with you. This project its just for the little laughs we all need. So without further ado let me introduce you to it!!! “You hear frying sounds echoing through out the kitchen. But its not food being made its cute little creatures being brought to life” !!!Rules!!! - Normal wp rules
- Prices will not change (Friends discounts will be added)
- Payment is after i send the shrimpie or tempura
- I have the right to refuse a request
- Please be patient with me, i do have school & work but i will try my best to get all orders done in 1-3 days ^-^
- Dont steal my art please!!! even though they look silly doesnt mean i didnt spend time on them.
- Any other questions feel free to ask them!!
Edited at November 1, 2024 10:11 PM by R3I

 Lineart / Colored Examples!! Tempura

Lineart / Colored Examples!! Shrimpie

Prices Base price : 10mush Add ons (wings,hate,outfits) - 2 mush for each add on Sparkles : 2 mush Anything else : 2 mush ( By anything else, i mean anything you can think ill try to do!!) !!Form!! Name : Pack Number : Shrimpie and/or Tempura : Add ons? : Oc Link (If necessary) : Total cost : Notes? :

Name : Moonlight Wolf Pack Number : #304773 Shrimpie and/or Tempura : Both Add ons? : Hat for shrimpie Oc Link (If necessary) : N/A Total cost : 22 mush Notes? : these are so cute!

Name : Rainbow River Pack Number : 308161 Shrimpie and/or Tempura : Both Add ons? : shrimpie: wings, sparkles. tempura: tophat (?), suit Oc Link (If necessary) : N/A Total cost : 28 + tip =40 Notes? : These have got to be the most adorable things I've ever seen!! 🥰

Name : Wolves019 Pack Number : 316409 Shrimpie and/or Tempura : Both Add ons? : Top hat and bowtie on each Oc Link (If necessary) : N/A Total cost : 28 mush Notes? : These are so cute!!