
working on more of these now ^^ also this is open again!
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Game Moderator Neutral
Pack name: Feiella OC references/link to ToyHouse: Expression suggestion: Nightshade could bored or sad. She is a sort of friend of Squirrel. Squirrel could be excited, happy or curious. Like she is full of energy Echo could be reserved and cautious maybe even with a thoughtful look. Yuyu maybe has a interested or nervous look. Hex is content and happy yet has a curious look in her eyes. Other: Echo and Nightshade can be by themselves or with Squirrel. Nightshade is like a friend/guardian and was named after a poisonous flower. Squirrel is a wolf? dog? I honestly don't know but she loves to learn. Honestly I'd like it if Yuyu and Hex were together. Hex can be a difficult design and she does like black flowers even wears one. I just can't draw the black rose next to her ear. In any case thank you for this.
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pack name: Nevermore. expression suggestion (may not be used!): N/A other: Thank you for the possibility<3
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Pack name: Stormchaser Pack OC reference/s or link to TH: Miresteps or Mintaka (or anyone else from my TH if someone else catches your eye :D
expression suggestion (may not be used!): Glum and dreary (Miresteps), any for Mintaka
other: Your art is gorgeous!! Thank you so much for doing this Edited at February 14, 2025 01:37 PM by Stormchaser Pack

pack name: Carnage expression suggestion (may not be used!): Anything really other: Hehe <33 Edited at February 16, 2025 09:29 PM by Get Jinxed
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distant-lands said: Dragons Blood said:
the link for the reference doesn't work !
it was a link to a bigger image of my avatar ill see if I can re-link it here if you don't want to draw his human form you can be the first person to do his dragon form which I have no reference for yet :) hope it works Edited at February 14, 2025 09:46 PM by Dragons Blood

it works ^^ i'll add that to the to-do list!
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pack name: Aziel expression suggestion (may not be used!): Anything its up to you other: have fun

pack name: Moonshadow Guardian expression suggestion (may not be used!): angry other: nope
