
Mircea gonna be looking pretty and trying to to be annoyed and yet enjoying himself. Overthink101 said: Man, Blair is going to be quizzing them both over plantlife at the ball, I can already tell. It's gonna be hilarious

Basil would be asking the royals to build a damn wall around the garden.

Blair's gonna be looking just as detached as always while trying to hold back grins. He's still reeling from losing his found family and not trusting anyone but them for years. He'll get there. Spellbound said: Mircea gonna be looking pretty and trying to to be annoyed and yet enjoying himself. Overthink101 said: Man, Blair is going to be quizzing them both over plantlife at the ball, I can already tell. It's gonna be hilarious

Edited at June 11, 2022 06:24 PM by Cereal

Ooo I like that Overthink101 said: I have an idea for Sal and Zak. Despite Zak being the eldest, before any big event Salen has to give a mini lecture on manners so that he doesn't interrupt people, doesn't sit like a toddler, and doesn't make conversations too awkward for the other people involved. Other than that, I'm not too sure yet.
She's the one who stops him from going too far lmao Maybe to make up for the lack of roughhousing between the two, they're more of the snarky retort kinda relationship

damn I totally forgot I have another character 💀

Most definitely they are- Snarky, sassy retorts and lectures. Yes. It shall be wonderful. Kämpa said: Ooo I like that Overthink101 said: I have an idea for Sal and Zak. Despite Zak being the eldest, before any big event Salen has to give a mini lecture on manners so that he doesn't interrupt people, doesn't sit like a toddler, and doesn't make conversations too awkward for the other people involved. Other than that, I'm not too sure yet.
She's the one who stops him from going too far lmao Maybe to make up for the lack of roughhousing between the two, they're more of the snarky retort kinda relationship

Whose characters want to be the victim of Basil's flower crown habits?

I said I would ask this in the discussion when the time came around to make it so Should the ball be a masquerade ball or a normal ball?

*raises hand* Nev needs to be shown a little kindness lmao Cereal said: Whose characters want to be the victim of Basil's flower crown habits?