
Lol understandable. It's tricky when you get sentences like "He tacked him up" and stuff like that lol. But if anything it makes all of us work more creatively with our writing. . . And we planned on using that experience to help asuch as possible. If anyone has any questions (especially in cases of writers block or not remembering terms. Hell half the time I forget all the parts of my western saddle but I at least know how they all work) we're more than happy to help. Like especially stuff with shows and nonsense like that. We all love horses here :) and that should be the goal. Make a good story about a bunch of weirdos at a riding school that love their horses.. with a mystery lol

Ye hehe :) was wondering, when we set up ro posts, can we state where they are aswell? Like:

We set it up: Name-age-horse- Anyone mentioned in the post I dont think noting the location would be a bad idea either Edited at December 30, 2021 11:52 AM by Feralhearted

Gonna have delays for posting for me for a second. It's farrier day at the barn. I'll post as soon as I can

Yellow, Dont feel like you need to change your horses gender on our account. If you wanted a more mild tempered stallion, make him a bit older. In his teens and a schoolmaster would help to have him be less "stallion minded". . As we said, we just wanted to bring this up due to our experience and wanting to have a realistic game. I know both of us are fine if this is not changed. It's not a hill I will die on.

Yellow, Dont feel like you need to change your horses gender on our account. If you wanted a more mild tempered stallion, make him a bit older. In his teens and a schoolmaster would help to have him be less "stallion minded". . As we said, we just wanted to bring this up due to our experience and wanting to have a realistic game. I know both of us are fine if this is not changed. It's not a hill I will die on.

I like adding location to the header of our posts. Good idea!! I'm at work today so not gonna be able to post till later tonight.

I actually might get a post in lol

nicee :) looking forward to replying.
also your character said he was tall at 173cm? edit: ogh wait thats avg german male height my badd Edited at December 30, 2021 01:54 PM by Yellow

Lol it's alright. I didn't actually look up heights and I also don't use cm so I was confused when I read that 😂