
ahhh this is so cool! the Wayne pack said: I made character art! Without a reference! :D Viatrix

This is how I sort of imagine the hideout/base for the rebellion to be: Light grey = Large training arena/training center Dark grey = Dragon stables Light brown = Barracks for riders separated by gender, the top is for males, and the bottom is for females. To sleep and get ready, there is a common area in the center of it. Dark brown = Meeting hall/Mess Hall/ On either side are offices for the high ranking. Tan = The homes for families in the rebellion that need refuge, are in hiding for a time or chose to work full time with the rebellion

Ciao said: ahhh this is so cool! the Wayne pack said: I made character art! Without a reference! :D Viatrix
I'm glad you like it! Out of curiosity, what part do you like more? Like, is it the pose or something?

I do like the pose, but the horns are done so nicely! the Wayne pack said: Ciao said: ahhh this is so cool! the Wayne pack said: I made character art! Without a reference! :D Viatrix
I'm glad you like it! Out of curiosity, what part do you like more? Like, is it the pose or something?

Aw, thanks! It took a bit to get the right shape for the horns, but I'm happy with how they came out.

Aw, did this thing go inactive? It's been like a week since the last posts.

Yea I've been wondering that too

I hope it isn't already going inactive! I was really enjoying it.

Oh shoot, I got distracted by drawing, XD
I'll get on that RP post. Whoops.

Ahhh you guys I feel so bad about letting this die when i was so bent on have a long term rp :,) apologies as life was busy and i had a lot to take care of. perhaps i'll reboot this later this summer, once i get back into the swing of things