
Game Moderator Neutral
I just woke up XD It looks like Summer and Ember will rule Rose Colony by themselves lol. I'll defiently let you know when the RP is created but yes just are waiting for a few members. Loners are done. Trackers and guards in Storms are filling up. Violet Your question of why there is only a healer in Storm and both healer and apprentice in Rose. Storm Colony doesn't believe in having two healers while Rose Colony thinks differently so they would accept two healers.
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Game Moderator Neutral
I think Misty is actually the first hunter. Neat. Hope you enjoy yourself and a few others will pop by to say hello to you Graywing. Edited at March 26, 2024 10:10 PM by Feiella
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Will crushes and stuff be assigned when the RP starts? If you don't have one?

Game Moderator Neutral
If people want their crushes for their characters then they can talk about it in here or PM another member. I'm not assigning crushes when the RP starts. If someone already has a crush then that is fine. Anyone with no crushes will have it devolped in the RP or in some cases they can stay without a crush if they want to. Edited at March 26, 2024 10:26 PM by Feiella
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Feiella thanks for clearing up my confusion. :)
