
Well if we do the second one, it would solve a few issues of having them meet. Presumably, if other hunters have been trying to catch her, they would have information on her, what she looks like, places she goes, where she lives etc which would be passed on to your boy

Perfect! Let's do that then. Do you have a preference who starts? I can do my piece tomorrow night (well, by this time tomorrow) 😂

I don't mind starting, I have time today so I'll get started

Perfect! I'm about to head to bed cause Im EST

No problem, get some sleep and I'll get the starter done ^.^

okay okay so I'm doing a bit of final writing on the starter, and just wanted to clarify some of the information. I was a little lost on how to approach the whole "Familiar" thing that I may have gone a little too excessive within the character sheet but I wanted to make it work so I'm thinking there are two kinds of Shifters, standard Shifters and then Familiar shifters. Thinking maybe standard Shifters have the control and choice of what they can shift into, and it's just a matter of changing their appearance and body. Whereas Familiar Shifters have a set creature they shift into, which is more of a different presence and being than changing a simple change of body. It would still be the person, the Familiar has all of their memories and emotions and acts and reacts based on those, but isn't just the person in a different body, it's a slightly different being that the Shifter can feel in their subconscious while in Human Form, but they still have control of actions and decisions when in the Familiar form

OOOH I adore that! I like how complex it is, ngl

I did want to tinker with it a bit more but my brain is killing so it will have to do, but let me know if there's anything you want changed

