
I think Mircea would alternate between castle and his family. Like throughout the week Monday - Thursday he would be at the castle with the rest of the knights. But Fridays - Sundays he would be traveling between his estate and the castle to perform his duties. I imagine Zak likes to surprise Mircea with random outings that aren't part of his itinerary. And so sometimes he has to scramble to get ready lmao. However I feel like his relationship with his family is growing more and more strained, so he's most likely going to start working on finding himself a nice place to live or staying at the castle. Edited at June 11, 2022 05:04 PM by Spellbound

meanwhile, Zak's trying to convince Mir to live in the same room as him Spellbound said: However I feel like his relationship with his family is growing more and more strained, so he's most likely going to start working on finding himself a nice place to live or staying at the castle.

PLEASE. And they were roommates- Kämpa said: meanwhile, Zak's trying to convince Mir to live in the same room as him Spellbound said: However I feel like his relationship with his family is growing more and more strained, so he's most likely going to start working on finding himself a nice place to live or staying at the castle.
Also, check your maillll Edited at June 11, 2022 05:08 PM by Spellbound

LMAO Spellbound said: PLEASE. And they were roommates-

Would Kris join Zak on any of his expeditions? With Zak being the eldest and the next in line for the throne would that make them have separate jobs, or would they both have the same duties in case something happens to Zak? I can see Kris randomly ambushing his brother, finding a spot to hide and than tackling him for fun. Also as a kind of "revenge" for whenever Zak does the same to him.

Definitely nothing wrong with asking your "homie" to be in the same room as you. Please, imagine the scandal it would create - Kämpa said: LMAO Spellbound said: PLEASE. And they were roommates-

@Ciao They would have similar jobs and academic levels in case something happened to Zak, (since its almost a given- Kagha is known for sending their royal family into every battle they can) then Kris would be the heir to the throne and he wouldn't have to catch up on much. I believe the difference in their education would be that Zak is to learn the more in-depth affairs and histories of the kingdoms and trade routes that are kept hush-hush. lmao I'm loving their relationship already Edited at June 11, 2022 05:20 PM by Kämpa

@Overthink Do you have any ideas on Zak & Salen's relationship? To be honest I love the regal-classy vibe that Salen gives off- also one of her theme songs, Villian by Stella Jang, is such a bop *^*

I imagine one day Mircea just passes out in Zak's room from exhaustion and just steals his bed.

Zak would push him off the bed Spellbound said: I imagine one day Mircea just passes out in Zak's room from exhaustion and just steals his bed.