
Ok, thanks! Lucid Insanity said: Gold Hearts Haha! You can come up with the information : ) I didn't send anything out.

Since the rp started I thought I'd throw up a friendly discussion topic :) while there's down time in between RP responses anyway. Does anyone here have horses and show? I've just got Quarter Horses and a POA right now. I know Feral has her Norman mare since we show together. I just wanted to know what sorts of other Horse people there were in the group. It's always fun hearing about what other folks are riding

Myst is right. I own a Norman and I have leased and broke out mustangs in the past. I have also had a ton of experiece with drafts and warmbloods of all types. . I currently show All around with a focus in WP and Ranch riding, trying to get into reining. I do some dressage and hunter on the flat stuff too. . What do other people ride?

I ride, most of the horses at the barn are at least part thoroughbred, with some ex-racers. I do Hunter jumpers currently.

That's awesome! We used to have an ex racer at the farm that was my aunt's and when I was little I learned to jump on a TB. Right now my only QH that jumps really only does 2.5 ft at max since he's a little too heavy to do much more. Dark Moon said: I ride, most of the horses at the barn are at least part thoroughbred, with some ex-racers. I do Hunter jumpers currently.

Hey guys!!
Sorry about my absence lately. There's been a lot of stuff I've had to take care in the real world...so that's great <3 : ')
I will be adding some of my posts as soon as soon as I read over some of the RP thread to get caught up. :D
My character might just be "arriving late" so I have somewhere to start if that's alright with everyone.

Ok! It's fine you're a bit late, I know most people actually have a life, me not being one of them :)

Just so y'all know, I likely won't be able to post until late tomorrow. This is the one day that I have a life this break.

Alllllrighty folks..
Soooo, right off that bat I would like to just remind everyone a few things with forum RPs and such.
If y'all would, please pace and space your posts out. Give each other a chance to respond. I honestly would wait a little for a few posts to be made before your character responds so that you have dialogue and info to work with. Of course don't stretch it out too much. Try your best to wait for everyone else to catch up and such.
I also would like to see more....like more insight on your characters from, ya know, their perspective. Be thoughtful with your posts and take your time. Feel free to add more of their thoughts as well. Once I start posting you can see what I mean by that cause I can't explain any of this well.
I hope that makes sense. I want this RP to be a place where new folks can learn and enjoy it. RPs have always been tons of fun for me since there are more players involved. But with that comes some patience and cooperation from every peep.
PM me any questions <3
Just so I know everyone has read, just acknowledge by saying "okay" or "sounds spiffy" lol
