
Okay so here's my lil update. Hoping to have his character sheet done tonight. And tomorrow I want to add all his sibling info. I think he has two older brothers and younger bastard brother that has a tail, which marks that he's part mythic. Could be interesting. Sneak peak of Oberon: "Oberon stands at 6’, the tallest of his brothers. He has piercing green eyes that dance with life and humor, and hide a heavy drive to keep himself busy. His nose isn’t the prettiest, but at least it isn’t bulbous, only sporting a small bend halfway through that makes it a touch crooked. In a way, it compliments his face, however, offering a little personality to the string jawline and bright eyes. He wears his long, dark brown/almost black hair in two long braids on each side, and the rest in a half bun. All too often, it looks like a complete mess despite the effort put into the braids"

Ah that's amazing! I finally have a few days off so I'll get mine done as well

That's great! I hate my character sheet. It's been so long since I wrote one. XD I hate the personality part... LMAO

We also have to decide how they meet. XD

Ooh I love it! I just have some finishing touches to do on the shifter part of my sheet and then I'll throw it up

Aye! I can't wait! I love the premise of this

Definitely might be some extra details I may add along the way but it's a half decent base.

It's a great base! I love her! What are we thinking to start?

Well you mentioned you were thinking of having your boy as part of some kind of Hunter's Guild, so maybe when they suspect certain places having Shifters, they send somebody/or people, out to find them and hunt them. So we could either have it as just somebody saw her in the wrong place at the wrong time and reported it, or we could make it a little different and have her be a Shifter they've been trying to catch for *insert amount of time* and they finally send out somebody higher up because the others are incapable of catching her?

Oooh, I like both options. Which situation do you prefer to put your girl in? Either situation will have similar effects on my boy