
If you guys want, one of my dudes could probably be the chief, not Alber though he probably would not suit, but Bear or Syndi (if she's accepted) could probably do it :)
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3amReign said: Azrael~ said: Hello! I'm Veda- I'm open to any dog to have a crush on me. Veda does well with crushes. She doesn't like, Think, "I hate you now." Shes more like "Oh cool! We can be friends if you want-" (Veda is NOT spayed.) Also, I need a handler. Can someone assign me? Or I can be a dog that listens to everybody. I can have 1 or 2 or 3 handlers. I could also be a brand new dog that needs training. (I would actually love that-)
If you'd like Bear and Alber are both available for a k-9 if you want one of those? :)
Only if they want to.


Ohh I should've looked here!
