
Oooh. We can do affliations and pm everyone or @ them in discussion lol


hey hey! I must have totally missed this but if you want to talk affiliations, I am totally open!

What do you think your characters would be like with Carswell? thoughts etc

Hmm I think Ezra would have neutral feelings towards him but would respect or even grow to like him for his ability to calm down people who are fighting because Ezra could you the help when it comes to managing other people since he constantly has to act like the only adult in the room As for Mia, I think she would just drag him along everywhere as proof that she is not the shortest person of the group

Hahaha. That's great with Mai XD Edited at June 25, 2023 10:38 PM by Sir Froggington

pfft thanks! Mai is so chaotic and I am so glad I get to write for her!!

I think he'd like both of them. Ezra is fairly chill, and he might get overwhelmed by Mai but he'd still appreciate her.

Wait- something I just noticed about both Mai and Carswell is that they both seek validation and want to feel useful. is it just me or do they both have a bit of similar trauma that they can potentially bond over?-

They could bond over that. I don't think his need for validation is as strong as hers though