
Brosc: Where were you last night? Jayco: With Suya. Suya: *spins chair around* No you weren't. Spellbound said: Suya being furious ✨ . He doesn't stand to being second fiddle Tamesis said: Neither Brosc or Suya It's a side lover *clears throat* Spellbound said: 👀. Tamesis said: Jayco is getting back into the arena Perhaps him waking up in someone's bed

not both of them teaming up on Jayco Tamesis said: Brosc: Where were you last night? Jayco: With Suya. Suya: *spins chair around* No you weren't. Spellbound said: Suya being furious ✨ . He doesn't stand to being second fiddle Tamesis said: Neither Brosc or Suya It's a side lover *clears throat* Spellbound said: 👀. Tamesis said: Jayco is getting back into the arena Perhaps him waking up in someone's bed

Suya would and he would be sipping the most expensive wine known to man Determined_Wolf said: not both of them teaming up on Jayco Tamesis said: Brosc: Where were you last night? Jayco: With Suya. Suya: *spins chair around* No you weren't. Spellbound said: Suya being furious ✨ . He doesn't stand to being second fiddle Tamesis said: Neither Brosc or Suya It's a side lover *clears throat* Spellbound said: 👀. Tamesis said: Jayco is getting back into the arena Perhaps him waking up in someone's bed

That's amazing. - As for an answer to your question, Fenrir. You shall see. When I post him. He is going to be a Thrall

I am sure Harper would be absolutely mesmerized if someone started flirting with her while being a sexy bitch in bed Spellbound said: Joaquin definitely seduced someone into his bed because he's a flirty bitch at times


Other Vampires: Why didn't you attend the meeting with everyone else? Oblivion Legion: Cause we didn't want to. lol

Welcome, Misery Nice to see you again after what feels like years

hello hello misery! hows it going??

oh i know:,) it feels very good to be back