
Yes!! Lmao, I'm looking forward to their escapades! Will keeps warning Seamus not to attempt to pet Lula but who can resist the call of her gloriously fluffy fur~ I can imagine him being like: "Seamus, don't. What happened last time- NO." -Then the sounds of one slightly mad cat and a friendly outstretched hand being torn to shreds-

finally getting around to posting on here haha! i'd really like for lou to encounter some old figures from her past - maybe even just some folks she met while she was running around swindling everyone in sight out of their money lol

Poor guy is so tempted, but disappointment awaits him every time he tries to pet her. At some point, Lula would probably start running away whenever Seamus is within 100 feet of her, and cue him running around camp chasing a kitty lol I can also see Seamus actually believing Will's parents named him Bright Eyes and being shocked when he hears someone call him Will

Honeybrook said: finally getting around to posting on here haha! i'd really like for lou to encounter some old figures from her past - maybe even just some folks she met while she was running around swindling everyone in sight out of their money lol
That sounds fun! Perhaps they could cause some trouble for the gang if she tricked some particularly powerful individuals? also, i think an important detail would be how each member joined the gang, and how long they've been running with them

Kashmir said: Honeybrook said: finally getting around to posting on here haha! i'd really like for lou to encounter some old figures from her past - maybe even just some folks she met while she was running around swindling everyone in sight out of their money lol
That sounds fun! Perhaps they could cause some trouble for the gang if she tricked some particularly powerful individuals? also, i think an important detail would be how each member joined the gang, and how long they've been running with them
Echo joined the gang after her parents abandonded her at age 8, and took her away from her sister, Crystal, the only one she really cared about at that point. She has no idea what happened to her, and it's a very sensitive topic for her. She lived on the streets for about two years, until she was about 10. Then, the Gang came to the town she was scavenging in, and cornered her. If you've read the description for Echo, you know that she hates benig cornered. She started freaking out, but the then leader of the Gang offered her a spot in the Gang, and she took it. Echo has been running with the Gang for about 16 years.

as for the stablemen, i'm holding the spot for spellbound because they are a very busy person and have pmed me about it <3 everything else is open. i'd like to see some more female characters. i also might end up making a rule change to have 3 characters, not 2, considering a number of them can die, get captured, etc.
also, what subplots that are in the sign-ups were you guys most interested in implementing?

queen. said: as for the stablemen, i'm holding the spot for spellbound because they are a very busy person and have pmed me about it <3 everything else is open. i'd like to see some more female characters. i also might end up making a rule change to have 3 characters, not 2, considering a number of them can die, get captured, etc.
also, what subplots that are in the sign-ups were you guys most interested in implementing?
Queen, so you know the one were some of the police-sherif people catch some of the Gang members? Well, what if Echo's sister was one of those people? And Crystal wanted Echo to come back with her, just if she told Echo to tell her about the Gang, but Echo thinks and refuses? Just an idea! I want Crystal to be seen some time in this ^^ I do like the Enemy Gang idea and te big family scam feud idea too.

i think i'd have to think on that. it's something that would happen way later, where as the enemy gang or the family scam could help us to get off the ground for a while before we need to change things up.
however, the idea is nice <:

I can't wait to see who tries to get close with Echo XD. She's going to be an interesting character to play ^v^

im really liking all the characters so far.
i know that harvey will be different for me cause i usually play very tempered, strong, violent and mean characters. he's definitely a change of pace. if anyone wants to talk affiliations with me, let me know! he's open to an eventual lover, a brother/sister, cousin, friend, enemy, etc. :)