
Evelyn: "Pit bulls. They look scary, but if given a chance, are extremely loyal. Also, have you seen them smile? Adorable." Axel: "I cannot tell you how much I wish I could own a tardigrade. Those lil babies are practically invincible."

Cypher: "Ravens. Commonly seen as either bad luck or a symbol of a bad omen, they aren't the most appreciated animal out there. But they are quite loyal and remember those who helped them. They are also quite clever and a joy to be around."

Maximillian : " I would have to say barn owls, I've had the pleasure to practice falconry and they have always intrigued me and are so fun to work with."

Riku: "Cats, of any kind. I love the vibes they give off. Plus they're normally very soft.." ♡ Chase: "Ravens. I might be biased because my last name is connected to them, but they have a certain freedom to them that makes me love them. And it's quite funny when they decide to be playful."
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Game Moderator Darkseeker


Game Moderator Darkseeker
To make Irbek public enemy number one and get his ass kicked a few times, OR have him chilling with his rich hero friends as they insult him....mhmmmmm how to start.....

Are you craving violence or emotional damage?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Both. 😩 I might surprise you'll :3. There will be a fight scene since I LOVE writing them.

Sorry for the wait on my post guys, Easter gets busy for me ^^` It's almost done, I should have it up soon :3