
Also Rush, what type of trees are around the surround area

HOW Spellbound said: PLEASE I still haven't described his ride to the Manor or him observing the others lmao. I feel like this post is gonna be long as hell. Mercenary said: Spell, Give me your writing motivation and skill omg

Spell is a very descriptive person and they really delve themselves into the scene and attempts to describe what their character would see and experience through their lense. I absolutely love it and know exactly how.

Welp I'm off to go nourish my body for another day of work tomorrow. Today wasn't to shabby, I'm hoping tomorrow is better.

Spellbound said: Also Rush, what type of trees are around the surround area
Maples, oaks, red and black oaks. I think Aspen is also one in Michigan?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Am I the only one left to respond?

I still gotta post for Axel, Bee is gonna post for Mattis, and I know that Moose and Spellbound also gotta post. I think there's more? That's just off the top of my head-

1.4K Words and he's just arrived at the Manor. Now I shall have him enter and react to others and he should be done

I'll beautify my post later ; just wanted to get it out 2,136 words :3

@Spellbound, Stars above I love your post lmao. It's incredible :D