
Appalachian Entity? I have a question. Are Vincent/Samuel the same character in the same body?

Hey everyone, sorry I been offline, work and storms been a real bad thing the past few days. So I might be a bit absent due to all the problems, but I'll try my best to be here

Moon Yes, it's in the more section in his character sheet and has a running theme throughout the entire thing :3
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No worries! Don't stress yourself about being active, a post a week is enough :) Demonic Angel said: Hey everyone, sorry I been offline, work and storms been a real bad thing the past few days. So I might be a bit absent due to all the problems, but I'll try my best to be here

If any of the students need help finding classes and such, feel free to come up to Vince/Sam and they'll help you out (Sam might be a bit less helpful and more sarcastic, but they'll eventually get you there)
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I just realized that this thread exists :')

Hey guys! I noticed some confusion in the roleplay so I just wanted to say that this is not the second or third year the school has started. the school was opened this year and all the students have been sorted based on their ages. this year is the first year everyone is attending, so I wanted to tell everyone, because even I was getting confused about this. I hope this information is helpful :) - oh and another thing I forgot to mention! The Angel king is dead, he died a few years ago, around the time the princess disappeared. The only royalty existing are the Queen and her sibling's families. The Devil kingdom is ruled by a Queen and King, but they don't have any heirs, so the only royalty existing is them.


Dorm arrangements! I should let y'all know about the dorms. - First years dorm one ~+~ • Ash (Devil) •Coretha (Angel) • This slot depends on if anyone joins. For now, the character will be an NPC called Anne who is a Devil, if anyone joins then this slot will be taken by them. - Second years dorm one ~+~ Elena (devil) Ayaka (angel) Diana (angel) - dorm two ~+~ •Mel (hybrid) •Penelope (NPC, angel) •Lilith (NPC, devil) - Third years dorm one ~+~ •Ethan (devil) •Luke (devil) •Jake (NPC, angel) - dorm two ~+~ •Yuki (hybrid) •Lacy (angel) •Rayna (devil) - Teachers teachers (including headmaster) get their own bedroom and office. Edited at April 13, 2024 11:30 PM by Devil town

I'll be joining tonight when I'm at work, but having trouble at work, We have protester and my job became harder as I have to break up fights between student, teachers, and protesters who are students, I'm a security guard at night for a college dorm.