
and perhaps even though the kids start to soften up and like the guardian, the guardian is a little too wrapped up in their own mind to realize it. so to them, they're kinda still thinking the kids don't like them and never will

yeah! it's interesting, i think. i like characters with a huge issue about being caught up in themselves and therefore being unreliable and having an incorrect view of what's going on around them. would you like to play the guardian character?

i can! i have a good few ideas for them, i think

alright, that's perfect, then! i can play one or both of the kids ^^. what would you prefer in that case? and would we like to do a characters-then-plot approach or get some worldbuilding done first before we get to fleshing out the guys?

i have a little plot idea for a little later or earlier on in the rp regarding that- maybe there could be a love interest for the guardian? either i can play them and you can play both of the kids, or you can play the love interest and a kid and i'll play the guardian and the other kid we could do worldbuilding first. it'd be nice to have an idea of what sort of situations the characters will be in first before we kind of flesh them out

ooooh, what's the plot idea? and yeah, a love interest would be cool! especially considering that we matched baed on the mutual ability to do an fxf >> i can play the love interest and one kid and you can be the guardian and the second kid, yeah! and okay, cool, worldbuilding. i'm pretty good at that but at the moment i am somewhat tired so i will work on my Worldly Musings as soon as i am capable. for now, do tell me about this little plot!

there could be a few different plots for this, i think. we could start it off as enemies to lovers(perhaps the love interest is someone getting in the way of the guardian earning the trust of the children) or a very angsty situation. the guardian stumbles upon someone severely injured and decides to help them and take care of them alongside the children, BUT this person doesn't want this. they fight and argue everyday with the guardian about how much they don't want to be taken care of, want to be left behind, all that. until they get into some sort of fight or argument over it

WOOF, so so so sorry for disappearing off of the face of the planet, i got super busy the past month since school just started where i am >>> are you still interested in this? again, so so sorry for disappearing!

i lowkey just kinda vanished there as well but yes i'm still interested!

alright, awesome!! in that case, let me. think for a little bit. getting out my thoughts in a forum tends to be difficult since i feel like i have to be more articulate when i'm talking in big paragraphs ;; but nonetheless! looking at the bunch of topics i picked out to combine, it could make a very interesting plot. so, this all takes place in an apocalyptic setting in which there are some sorts of monsters wandering about the outside. i would assume it's rather large since we state that it's all that's left of humanity. i would also assume that it's been there for a long time, given that it has had enough time to develop a gigantic amount of crime. i think that crime might be so rampant because that the people's focus is kind of just on suppressing monsters, getting shit from the outside, saving people who are still out there and repressing whatever slips through the cracks. the force is probably, like, basically the leader of whatever their society is; it's what everybody wants to be when they grow up but often don't because the death rate is so high. but they're looked up to and generally get a lot of perks. it could also be interesting to develop, like, the technology this society has for the suppressors so they can fight the monsters easier or contact each other easier, since i mention that they have furthered technology in the meantime. nonetheless, the crime! crime is absolutely rampant here. i would assume that a lot of it also has to do with the monsters; i mention blood magic, so i think that the monsters are at least semi-magical? i don't think magical like elemental as much as magical as they have a form of magic of their own that they can summon through dark ways, and some people get drunk off of that power. maybe some organizations are built off of what power they can sap or evidently copy from monsters. maybe some have those eldritch beings locked away in some crime against humanity where they remove humanity from themselves and others in search of... something. who knows. but yeah. maybe the society is kind of presented as perfect (since it's the only one left) and people really idolize the suppressors who protect them, but the suppressors aren't really a police force so they aren't in charge of, like. actually getting rid of a different problem amongst them, since people can be just as big of a problem as monsters. so people like the detective agency we'll also be focusing on have a little bit of spite against them because they're all focused on the monsters outside while they, perceivedly, have to clean up the actual muck in the city. errrr, i think that the mc is most likely just a normal person living in the city while the children are somehow related to a larger organization that's related to the exploitation of the eldritch, which has probably resulted in a lot of experimentation, murder, and possibly even a few of the fighting rings i mentioned? call it the monster mafia if you will. i don't know how the children are related since i say they're related to a leader of the org in the concept but i don't know if that makes too much sense in this concept since i don't know how they would like. know anything of the org. because they would have had to have actually been there amongst them and escape it first in order to be of use? though that might be interesting in its own right. the love interest is most likely a monster fighter who was hunting a monster and got wounded (it might be fun if when they were hunting the monster they stumbled upon some people involved in That Organization who are tracking down the monster that escaped and that's how they got wounded) and wound up in the mc's care, while the main cast is majorly made up of a few of the best members of the detective agency who are on the kids' case and unfortunately also have to deal with the mc because that's their legal guardian. note that most of this isn't really development as much as it is just like. the barebones structure of what i think the plots connected together would look like. so you can feel free to change or challenge stuff and we very much need to go into more detail about all of it because the city and organizations have not been touched here, just what i think they are on surface level.