
i think it'll be hella interesting pfft especially considering having an actual family has never been something he wanted in his life in the gang because of the danger

Yeah Bailey will be mostly raised by most of the members, might need to crest nocs

Hi folks, sorry for not posting sooner. ^^' Seamus is open for just about anything! I'm thinking of making a female character, maybe local or member? How many more roles do we need filled until starting?


Ooh I haven't posted here yet either, hi guys ^^ Anyone interested in any sort of affiliations with my character Will? I'm thinking friendships mainly but I might consider family or potentially a lover.

I feel like Seamus would constantly annoy Will at any opportunity he gets lmao, especially while he's painting or drawing

For Kashmir and others here is the list I believe is most important st the top and not really needed at the bottom ; Just need the reserves to create their characters then 2 locals One observer one scout one stableman/woman/person and maybe a few members

Kashmir said: I feel like Seamus would constantly annoy Will at any opportunity he gets lmao, especially while he's painting or drawing I can absolutely see that happening hehe! Also when they're out doing a job for the gang they'd probably be goofing about a tad. But then get easily out of whatever mess they make because they're both pretty slippery lmao

Moose said: Kashmir said: I feel like Seamus would constantly annoy Will at any opportunity he gets lmao, especially while he's painting or drawing I can absolutely see that happening hehe! Also when they're out doing a job for the gang they'd probably be goofing about a tad. But then get easily out of whatever mess they make because they're both pretty slippery lmao
Oh definitely! I can see Seamus spitting absolute bullshit at like a mad sheriff or something and Will correcting him hastily lest they dig themselves into an even deeper hole, lol. The gang probably would try to avoid sending just the two of them out Also, Seamus is covered in scratch marks from trying to pet Lula, that's a fact

Pastry Lord said: For Kashmir and others here is the list I believe is most important st the top and not really needed at the bottom ; Just need the reserves to create their characters then 2 locals One observer one scout one stableman/woman/person and maybe a few members
Yeah, that's similar to what I was thinking, but we should wait for queen to confirm.