
Any chance in th world we could revive this thing and keep it going?

I'm open to it. if mostly everyone else is still involved I probably won't make a reboot signup (unless yall think that would be a good idea)

I'd be happy to pick up where we left off if we get everyone on board.


totally down too! I have a couple things going on at the moment so I might not post right away but super excited!

I'm sorry I haven't posted. I want to be a part of this, but I've been so busy I don't know if I should since I might slow y'all down even more. I don't know when I'll find the time

I personally can go as slow as needed as long as I know it's still alive.

Down too. I've actually recently hit a bout of inspiration regarding this RP- both a reply of Spork's as well as a new character I hope to play. If we plan to continue here, I am happy to get a reply down and then work on a signup sheet


yay so excited to see the mostly illiterate and entirely chaotic crew back!