
Oooo that's a good question! Also, small side note, but Spellsy is it your birthday?? Ezra generally finds it hard to motivate himself to eat but he usually eats something eggy or egg-like since he heard it was good for muscles. Like omelet with veggies, sunny-side up eggs with hot sauce, or, his favorite, breakfast egg muffins he makes, freezes, and then re-heats whenever he wants. Mai, on the other hand, will sustain herself on whatever she can scavenge in true gremlin fashion. The thing she'll try to get the most for lunches though is a good fruity drink along with something warm like soup or freshly baked goods. As for a question for you all, how good is your character at art and what kind of style do they have?

Noellë hands down is a Chemistry lover and geek. Probably would end up writing a whole thesis by accident lmao Sir Froggington said: It's hard to find music because I'm not sure what kind Carswell would listen to >.< I'll have to listen to those too What would your character do if they had to choose between 5 pages of chemistry or write 5 pages of a humanities project
Sushi For Noellë . If he doesn't have that a Nutella & Peanut Butter Sandwich Sir Froggington said: What does your character pack for lunch regularly?

Yes it is my birthday! _______ I would say Noellë is rather artistic yet he doesn't do it often. Possibly a more cartoon/realistic mix of style _________ Whats the worse thing your character has ever done ? Determined_Wolf said: Oooo that's a good question! Also, small side note, but Spellsy is it your birthday?? Ezra generally finds it hard to motivate himself to eat but he usually eats something eggy or egg-like since he heard it was good for muscles. Like omelet with veggies, sunny-side up eggs with hot sauce, or, his favorite, breakfast egg muffins he makes, freezes, and then re-heats whenever he wants. Mai, on the other hand, will sustain herself on whatever she can scavenge in true gremlin fashion. The thing she'll try to get the most for lunches though is a good fruity drink along with something warm like soup or freshly baked goods. As for a question for you all, how good is your character at art and what kind of style do they have?

Carswell is good at getting his point across. It's pretty direct. His art isn't super realistic, but you can normally tell what his goal was Edit: Big fan of stick figures and childish shapes Edited at July 23, 2023 02:03 PM by Sir Froggington

Brendan definitely isn't much one for fancy cooking. He'd probably throw in whatever he had in the house, and always pack either too little or too much. Just a weird assortment of food, plus a new and possibly disgusting sandwich every day. As for art, I don't think he's great at art. He's not really into it. His stye would be more sketchy and blocky, with thick lines and a scraggly, disorganized look to it. As for the worst thing Brendan has done, that one needs a bit more thought. For now I'm just going to say that Brendan has ruined a few relationships and hurt people with his tendency to overreact and his paranoia, and when he gets angry he can be downright cruel. All things I'm sure Noellë knows :( Also, Spell, happy birthday! Woohoo! You're turning 20 now, right?

Happy late birthday then! I hope you had a great day yesterday! How does it feel to be 20 now?? (one more year and you can legally drink here!) Probably the worst thing Mai did was abandoning her parents but they did deserve it. If that does not count, then probably the time Mai trashed the car of her bully after sleeping with his girlfriend. Ezra's worst thing that he's done has been shooting and nearly killing his ex. :)

Oops I didn't see Spell's question. Well, there is the obvious one of stealing cars. That's at least expensive. He wouldn't physically hurt anyone unless he was really scared. I'm not really sure tho lol OooOooh, Spell is getting older XD ;)

You know what? I've got a question for everyone! What's the childhood memory you remember most clearly? and also Spellsy check mail-

Oops, sorry, didn't see this. Well, since in my experience childhood memories you remember best are sometimes totally arbitrary, I'm going to choose a totally arbitrary one. Brendan remembers losing a spelling bee when he was in grade school. He was close to winning when he misspelled the word "vacuum." And he knew how to spell "vacuum." Who doesn't know how to spell "vacuum?" Everyone thought he didn't, and sometimes he still thinks about it. There are a lot more important things he remembers from his childhood, but he remembers this one most clearly.

His uncle took him to a NASCAR race when he was 11 years old, and he started to taking a greater interests in cars beyond hotwheels and matchbox cars. He loved the idea of going that fast and it was amazing watching the pit crew. He wanted to learn how to do that. (I don't know man, but hopefully this one makes sense for him.)