
Carswell is part Asian and he would be a lazy cook who enjoys good eating, so he can probably fumble his way through a stir fry now that I think of it. (fumbling his way is how he cooks) I don't know if I am just ignorant or the people I am around, but I feel like people forget about stirfries. Edit: Don't forget to ask a question if you've been asked Edited at July 4, 2023 12:26 AM by Sir Froggington

So hows everyone doing?? Its been a few days so I think I will just ask new questions. Also, great responses so far everyone!!! :D For everyone, how close are you to your family? Aaaand for Brendan, what is your favorite part of town that you would have to share with any visitors and why that spot?

Sounds like a plan. How about this - we'll try to have one general question and one character-specific question going at once. That seems easiest. Brendan didn't know his father, though he knows who he is. He doesn't really remember his mom, and was never too close with her. He was raised by his Uncle Benny, who he loved and was extremely close with. Uncle Benny was he black sheep of the family, and Brendan's extended family never liked him or Benny. Now his cousin Mae is coming to visit. He's heard nothing but good things about her, and she's heard nothing but bad things about him. They're both in for a surprise. Brendan doesn't know a lot of places in town, but just outside is the charred remains of St. Florian Church, with its own stange history and half-burnt remains of magnificent stained glass windows. It has an eerie, spooky feeling, and it's one of the most beautiful places in town - if you're into that kind of beauty. If asked, it would be the first place Brendan would suggest. To Mai - You seem like you've done a lot of fun and unusual activites. Which one has been your favorite? And, of course, Determined, I want to know how your characters get along with their families as well! Edited at July 9, 2023 12:01 PM by Freedom

He has a brother named Camden who he never sees anymore, but they were close when they lived with their parents. He wasn't that close to his father, but they got along and loved each other. He really loves his mom and they had a good relationship. He doesn't see his family often anymore. He saw some of his extended family for holidays and such. They could have fun together and there would be family drama, but he wasn't super close to them. General question: (Carswell managed to get a hold of the sheriff uniform and badge) What would you do if Carswell drove the sheriff's car (lights and sirens) and pulled you over and gave you a speeding ticket?

If Carswell tried to give Brendan a ticket, Brendan would be extremely confused, since he knows Carswell works at the mechanics shop. But he'd just go ahead and take the path of least resistance, and pay the ticket anyway.

oh that's such a good idea!! :D alright I am great with this idea! Mai: "My favorite activity? Gosh, I've done so many I don't really know... Oh! A long while back, when I had to hitchhike to go anywhere since I didnt have my iconic van, this old couple decided to pick me up. They had already picked up two others and I decided to keep my friend waiting two weeks so I could spend more time with them. Especially when they invited me to Yosemite. They had a bunch of climbing gear and I kid you not-- the view while climbing up-- it was just-- I cannot put it into words." Mai: "My family? I only know my mom, my dad, and my Uncle Benny in person. My uncle, from what I remember of him from back when I was-- what?-- five at most, was a really nice dude and the only adult who actually treated me like a kid. And if my parents being saved in my contacts as "Gatekeeper" and "Keymaster" don't give it away, they are assholes. I also have a cousin but... I've only heard of him through my parents." Ezra: "...No thank you." In one way or another, an accident, divorce, or death, Ezra's lost his family and refuses to talk about it. As for the "Carswell as a cop" situation, Ezra would deadpan for a moment before speeding off. Mai would probably do something similar except she would actually laugh in his face for a moment, make some smartass remarks, and drive off. General question for everyone! Pick one of the following questions to answer, answer it, and say why you picked that question. What is your most embarrassing moment OR what was the most embarrassing thing you did to prepare for a date/relationships (i.e. kissing the mirror, writing crush a love poem which was read aloud, etc)? Aaaaand for Carswell, do you ever subtly fuck with people and if so how?

I'll give a vague answer. Carswell doesn't keep his most embarassing moments at the forefront of his brain, so he refuses to answer that question fully. He tries to forget. He has a few that he likes to tell people for laughs such as the time. He was never popular or got a lot of dates so there hasn't been a lot of opportunity to prepare for a relationship. He's the type to wing it. He did sing karaokee for a girl. Some love song she said was her favorite. Totally not in Carswell's range, so it could also double as one of his most embarassing moments. Before he was a criminal on the run after he turned 21, he'd joke about being a teenager (which everyone always believed) and then he showed them his ID. Particularly when drinking was involved. He tries to avoid situations where he needs his ID because he can't have one or they'd track him down. It's a hard life. He's looked into getting a fake idea, but he's not sure if he could find someone who could make a realistic one. He's part Asian. He has learned all of the main accents for the ethnicities that he could pass for and he will mess with people to make sure he can still do them passably. (he's no master, but if you don't have that accent and are ignorant it works) He's also been known to wave at people and act like long lost best friends. He likes to be extra with an accent. Noelle what is your favorite sleeping position?

Brendan remembers pretty much every embarassing thing he's done in his life. Anything he forgets, his brain conveniently PowerPoints for him when he's trying to go to sleep. Choosing the most embarrasing one would be difficult. Maybe in fifth grade, when he spent the whole year agonizing over some tiny thing his friend had done, creating a totally imaginary argument and going through a rollercoaster of emotions. Next year, he found out his friend hadn't even noticed anything different.

oh my god I love the answers to all these questions!! Both of Brendan's and Carswell's embarrassing moments would actually kill me though. also, Mai and Carswell both being confused for teenagers is just- mwah!

XD Lol, being confused for a teenager ✌ Wow, I reread my answer and that was some horrible grammar >.< Also, if there hasn't been activity in a few days I can ask another general question