
yeah, that makes sense, it wouldn't make complete sense that he didn't get murked and the demon lord would also be aware that he exists which goes against the plot. still a damn shame, though. anyway, how are we starting this roleplay, again? is it during, before, or after garcia gets sniped? also, would they target usbeorn, gabriel, or evelyn's adoptive family at all, or just evelyn and garcia?

If I remember correctly, Gabriel and his parents are living in Washington state, I'll say Seattle, and we're gonna be starting the moment Garcia gets snipped. So Gabriel's first post is gonna be his reaction to that basically, which, damn- poor fucking Gabriel, that's some way to introduce him into all this hhh. And Evelyn is coincidentally going to be in Seattle, Washington as well. It was originally gonna be like a family outing, but I think it makes more sense if Evelyn was there on business matters. She's 25, has her own life at this point, and she'll just have her adoptive mom and brothers instead of nieces and nephews to add into the mix. They'll be back home in Texas though. Evelyn's first post is going to be her just doing some mundane shit, then all of a sudden, the full extent of her abilities are unlocked due to Garcia's death. So she quite literally buckled under the pressure of these new aspects to her powers.

okay, understood! i think i know how i'll have gabriel's post go, then. was i going to post first or were you??? also, are gabriel and usbeorn in danger, though? like, without trying to protect evelyn, would they be targeted???

Uhh, if you wanna post first, go ahead! I completely forgot lmao. So, like- I'm thinking that while they may be hated, I think they'd be feared more? Because angels are a lot stronger than most demons, just because of their positions in Heaven and basically keeping things balanced. So I don't think they'd be targeted... actively. Does that make sense?

aye, i can post first but i can't guarantee the post will be up anytime soon since i've got a lot of bullshit to do in the meantime, if you don't mind that >> so long as i try to get it done in my spare time, though, i should be able to get it out sometime, so i'm fine with it! and okay, that makes sense! usbeorn would probably wind up making himself a target since he'd try to protect evelyn with his life (since he knows that's what garcia would've wanted) and he sends off gabriel to spread the message and he's deeply worried about his son so he'll be doing so to protect him, too. it might be interesting for the plot if usbeorn eventually catches up to them and intermittently joins the party for short bursts of time, since i can't imagine he would want to just never see his son again, but it would be difficult to find him and, through fending off the forces that are trying to get at his late wife's bio daughter and his lovely son, he is probably going to be targeted by demons a lot since he's less powerful as a fallen angel than he would be as a proper one. families are interesting. i'll work all of my characters into the plot regularly somehow, since it has very fun implications on the story. usbeorn also knows the story behind the prince and queen, so he may find them before gabriel and evelyn do, which could also have some fun behind it... especially given that it would be a demon working together with a fallen angel. how very strange.

Do what you're comfortable with! And I don't mind at all, since I have a feeling this roleplay might have a lil bit of a slow start since we're both pretty busy with just, well, life lmao. Never be afraid to tell me if something's up c: Ooo, that makes sense! I'm sure Usbeorn still loves his son, and out of his wife's memory, would protect Evelyn as well. So him making himself a target is pretty plausible. That would actually be a good idea as to how the main two would become acquainted with Kieero and the prince - Perhaps communicating to them what's going on, or simply making sure that they are still alive. Because if Evelyn and the prince actually come together, they could rally up a good amount of supporters - both in Hell and on Earth - and take back the kingdom. And an even more interesting possibility, ending the Demon Lords' reign and setting Hell back up to where it once was.