
Open! - 'We don't realise how lucky we are till we lose what we love' - A small pack has lived in the south pines forest for many years with no problems. All this was taken for granted. Nobody could have realised that how quickly this would change. - This roleplay is based on the realistic pack dynamics and how humans are effecting their survival. Edited at February 3, 2024 02:01 PM by Crazydayz

Plot - 'Earth has enough to fufil every man's needs, but not every man's greed.' - The pines pack has lived for years in harmony. The alpha pair of grey wolves and parents of the pack have successfuly raised one litter of pups for 1, nearly 2 years and have started raising more. Everything seems perfect, until it's not. Humans have been working on expanding the nearby city and have started attacking the forest. Will this family manage to escape with all their lives - and their bonds - still intact? Edited at February 3, 2024 05:27 PM by Crazydayz

Information on realistic packs - Typical packs usually are started by a mating male and female. These are the 'alphas.' The packs are a well functioning unit where the entire family works together for their survival. They usually have between 4-10 members at a time. The pup mortality rate is 40-60% so it is fairly common for pups to not survive until adulthood. Older members of the pack, or previous litters of the alphas, will usually babysit their little siblings when needed. Their parents will teach them how to survive and hunt. Pups stay close to home for the first 6 months of life. They are constantly supervised. After the age of 6 months they can start tagging along in patrols with their family.

Rules 1. Follow all of Eve's rules 2. I reserve the right to accept or deny applications for any reason I find suitable. 3. Reservations last 48 hours. 4. Be respectful to all other players. Hate the character not the player. 5. Be active! Post twice a week or you'll be kicked. 6. Post at least 100 words in the roleplay forum. 7. I may remove you from the roleplay for offences against these rules. 8. Don't make your character a mary sue, weeping willow, overpowered sam, etc. 9. Don't have your character always be the one to start drama. 10. These are grey wolves meaning that they must match the appearance of their real-life counterparts. Grey wolves often have a beige-white undercoat with dark grey markings on top. Please keep this in mind! 11. Have fun! Edited at February 17, 2024 02:33 PM by Crazydayz

Roles - Alpha male The father of the pack. He leads the pack along with the alpha female, his mate. They are both equal. He takes more charge however while there are young pups. (1/1) Alpine | M | Played by Lost Rune - Alpha female The mother of the pack. Leads the pack alongside the alpha male, her mate. They are equal. She is often the one with main care over the pups for the first few months of their lives. (1/1) - Ambika | F | Played by Crazydayz - Juveniles The first litter of the alphas. Currently around 1 and a half years old. They are often babysitters. None are ready to leave the pack quite yet. They are often involved in hunting or patrolling. (2/3) - Fern | F | Played by Moonlight Wolf - Everest | F | Played by Nirvana_Sky - Open male spot - Pups The newest arrivals in the pack. They are around 2 months old. They are heavily protected. The Alpha female has only started leaving the pups with only their older siblings. (2/4) - Reserved for Dawnforest - Reserved for Lost Love - Open - Open - Currently, you may only reserve one character. This may change in the future. Gender ratio is to be around 2:2 Edited at February 21, 2024 02:01 PM by Crazydayz

Sign-up sheet - Name: Gender: Role: Appearance: Personality: Strengths(3+): Weaknesses(3+): Other:



Why not Name: Red Gender: Female Role: Juvenile Appearance: Her coat is a mix between brown and red, with a lighter tail tip and front paws. She's a little smaller then the average wolf, but not by much. She has a slightly fluffer tail and a lean form, and small tuffs of fur around her paws. Personality: Red is a caring and a little outspoken wolf. She cares deeply for anything, and even has a little sympathy for enemies and prey. She enjoys caring for her younger siblings as well. She will, however, speak her mind to anyone but the Alphas. Strengths: Red is a good hunter and has a keen sense of smell. She is also quite fast and can easily turn. She also has a somewhat strong build despite her smallness. Weakness: Red is terrified of swimming, and can sometimes be clumsy. She also isn't that good of a fighter despite how much she tries. Other: Can't think of anything else.

Oo can I reserve alpha male?