
Game Moderator Neutral

Sorry if I double-submitted this I can't see it on the forum RN XD Character name: Juniper Breed or species: Wolf mixed with some animal, you can choose, but if you don't want to, she will be mixed with a Coyote. Gender: Female Rank: Healer Sexuality: Bisexual Character description: A small but Kind-looking She-Wolf with a brownish-red coat glows fire red in the sun. She has dark green eyes that can look intimidating if she's mad. She lost one of her ears as a pup so she can't hunt as well as other wolves. She usually has some juniper berries on a twig behind her ear. Strengths: Fighting with her speed and agility. Healing other wolves' wounds. Sight and smell are her best abilities. Weakness: Hearing (Because she only has one good ear). Hunting. Likes: Rabbit because it reminds her of mountains(where she used to live) and because it's easy for her to catch. Mice because they have a musky forest taste to them. Marigold and lily are her favorite flowers (find out why in the rp ;) Dislikes: Frogs (Because they live in muddy places and she dislikes the taste of mud), fish (It is too smelly for her liking). She dislikes lightning because of the scent it gives off. Crush: Ember Family: Misty (Sister) Other: Storm Cloney please but if you need me to join Rose I will Edited at April 16, 2024 12:32 PM by Violet Moon

Game Moderator Neutral
Violet Moon Please change character's name as it is related to fandom but otherwise you are fine. Just the e in it. Sorry I didn't respond earlier Edited at March 25, 2024 06:25 PM by Feiella
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Game Moderator Neutral
Character name: Hex Breed or speices: Turkish Angora/Maine Coon mix Gender: Female Sexuality: Demisexual Rank: Loner Character description: Hex is a tortoiseshell cat with black, brown and white fur that is long and fluffy. Her eyes are a bright blue and she is always seen wearing a flower next to her left ear though it is mostly black roses. Her claws are always kept sharp. Likes: Hex has a love for all flowers but mostly those with sharp thorns and enjoy travelling. She enjoys the quiet of the night as that is when it is easier to travel without being seen. Dislikes: Hex doesn't like the laws and the borders as she thinks they are pointless. She doesn't see the point of the Colonies and their ranks. Hex does not like being told what to do. Strengths: Hex is neutral with many loners and colonies so she can be of help and she is also a great climber. Her long fluffy fur helps when she is grabbed because the other always ends up with lots of fur in their mouth. She is a decent hunter. Weakness: Hex will quite often tresspass on accident and she will get distracted when she see's flowers. She sometimes has a habit of talking about poisonous flowers and their uses which makes some nervous of seeing her. Crush: none currently Family: Nope Other: Is happy as a loner Edited at March 26, 2024 09:30 AM by Feiella
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Can i reserve head guard in storm colony? Edited at March 26, 2024 09:05 AM by Leo's

Game Moderator Neutral
Leo's Sure. It is reserved for you
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Unreserving Rose colony hunter and tracker. Might be gone for a while.

Game Moderator Neutral
Thank you for the heads up Long Wang
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Character name: Misty Breed or speices: Coywolf (WolfxCyote) Gender: Female Rank: Hunter Sexuality: Straight Character description: A thin, small, and lanky female. Misty has dary gray fur that helps her blend into the shadows and sneak up on her prey. She has light golden/yellow eyes. She has thin fur. Misty was born with a stubby tail. Strengths: Misty was born with a heightened sense of smell and hearing. This naturally made her excell at hunting. Misty is also extremely creative and is alway comming up with new games for the pups, and new hunting stratiges for her colony. Weakness: Since she was born with a stubby tail, Misty has always found it harder to balance and swim. Misty was also never tought how to properly fight. She is extremely impatient and won't wait around for others. Dislikes: Misty dislikes when one of her friends is being bullied. She also hates when other colonys interact with her, she is extremely loyal to her colony and always will be. Likes: Misty enjoys going on a run through the wood with her sister, Juniper. She also enjoys playing with the packs pups and helping to train them. Crush: Jabez Family: Still open(PM) Juniper (Sister) Their mountain pack Other: Storm Colony Edited at April 3, 2024 11:42 AM by Graywing
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