
Pack Name and Number: The ShadowSeekers 310429 Character Name: Tumult Character's appearance description or photo: A dark grey and black crow with a wolf's mane and two wolf tails. He has a black mask that covers his head, with a blue design on it with a tiny hole on each side so he can see.  Character's personality: Usually friendly. He is a bit of a trouble maker, and loves anything related to chaos, as long as it won't get him seriously hurt. He is not a big fan of fighting someone face to face, but rathers sneak attacking and ambushing his enemies. Handbook: Wanderer Pet: Bush Cat Relations: none Other: IDK

Tumult Welcome! + 50 Gems + Cabin Key #2 + Wanderer Handbook + Pet Bush Cat Feel free to start anywhere - I can't see the picture and I'm so sad 😭

Pack Name and Number: Graywing 309270 Character Name: Leaf Character's appearance description or photo: Shark cat Character's personality: Leaf is very good humered. Leaf is very young and playfull. Leaf has two brothers, so she enjoys roughhousing and playfighting. Leaf is very up-beat and spunky. Leaf enjoys helping taking care of the younger kits. Handbook: Wanderer Pet: Bush cat Relations: Open! Other: :) Edited at November 22, 2024 09:36 AM by Graywing
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Leaf Welcome to Alpine Hills! + 50 Gems + Cabin Key #3 + Wanderer Handbook + Pet Bush Cat Start anywhere! If you have any questions, PM me or Bobcat, or post in the discussion ^^


It's always open ^^ Tech said: Is this still open?

I noticed that Tumult and Kieran aren't on the Cabin list

Oops lol I'll add Tumult ^^ Kieran left as they were busy ^^ Tech said: I noticed that Tumult and Kieran aren't on the Cabin list