
Khalila | Female | Musher She slept restlessly that night, and couldn't stop thinking about the dogs. (I'm assuming its around the evening time now?) Making up her mind, she sat out on a quest to find the dogs. Even if it took her all night she would find them and try to gain their trust. All of their trust. Packing her bags with any of the extra meat she had stoed in the feezer, and some extra fire fuel, she was ready, (may add in a dog for Khalila to already be in ownership of? so that he can translate Khalila's words easier to the rest of them. If that is alright with you. ^^) She sat out on her sled and continued going until she could not walk anymore. She sat down and decided to make camp. She set up a small fire, warm enough to cook her food and keep her from freexing to death in the snow. She waited. Maybe they would see her flames. She was closer to the town, so perhaps they would not approach, but she took the risk. Being alive would be better than dying of cold and starvation. Besides, they would have to get used to humans anyhow.

Edited at May 12, 2020 01:21 AM by ColorMania

Lyronyx|Male|Stray dog|lead dog|M: Open Lyronyx settled the pack near the gate to town. He didn't want them to close to town where danger is. Flames rose in the air. a Fire was near. He shruggedd and guessed it was a camp out. he settled in a corner, sleeping calmly through thr night.

Sphinx/female/ loner-Team dog/ Tempest Sphinx steadily approached the female. She didn't know how she would react. She didn't even know if Lyronx would be pleased if he discovered she was speaking with another dog. She had just been accepted into a pack, and she didn't want to be kicked out now...

Skyler|Female|Loner-Lead dog Skyler came out of hiding and walked up to them. Her ears were pinned back and her tail was in-between her legs. She then sniffed sphinx from a distance.

Tempest|Female|Stray|Sphinx, Skylar Tempest stood still as the red husky approached her slowly. She was nervous, yes. But she also wanted to meet some other dogs, since she hadn't spoken with another dog for quite a long time. She then turned her head and saw another female dog approaching the red husky. Tempest wasn't sure what to do, so she sat still.

Skyler|Female|Loner-Lead dog Skyler saw this other dog that sphinx was approaching and decided to stay back. She sat down and let out a little bark saying " Hello!" She started to slowly wag her tail knowing she might not be lonely anymore.

Ice | Female | Stray-Team Dog Ice watched curiously as the new dog approached the stray that had been following them, and then another dog joining the small group. A snarl lifted Ice's lip, quiet but harsh. New dogs meant trouble. She paced nearby, watching the three females intensely.

Sphinx/ female/ loner-Team dog/ Skylar "Oh, hello there," she stopped and responded clamly. "Im Sphinx," she looked back at the black and white female. "I'll get there in a sec," she told the other female as she continued to approach steadily.

Skyler|Female|Loner-Lead dog She got super excited and started to wag her tail fast. She stood up and bounced up and down. But she soon calmed down and sat back down.