
Sphinx/female/ loner-Team dog/ Lyronx "I- i dont know what to say. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked..." Sphinx felt a gully of embarrassment and guilt at the bottom of her stomach. "This prey looks tasty," she said trying to cover up her embarrassement. "Where are we going tomorrow?"

Lyronx|Male|Stray dog|Lead dog|M: Sphinx "You dont need to be sorry and we are headed west for the human town." he said looking at Sphinx who was trying to cover up embarrassement. Sigh. looking at the sky then back to the pack. Only nick was here. he would've been sorry. he backfired in his mind. Nick was the only reason his parents left him.

Sphinx/female/ loner-Team dog/ Lyronx *sigh* "I'm really sorry I asked," she finally gathered up the courage to say it. "I hope i didnt offend you, and I hope that didn't make you resent me," she went on. Not knowing what else to say she just stared down at her paws. if only I haden't asked...

Tempest|Female|Stray Tempest watched the pack of sled dogs from the sidelines. She knew she really should'nt being spying on them... but she hadn't met any other dogs for a while now. She lay down on her side and continued to observe the pack.

Sphinx/female/ loner-Team dog/ Tempest As she waited for Lyronx' response she noticed a pretty black and white female watching them. She wanted to get telomeric but wasn't sure if it was wise...

Skyler|Female|Loner-Lead dog Skyler heard something in the distance and decided to follow the sound. Her eyesight was excellent and she say three stray dogs. She decided to go closer hoping they wouldn't see her.

Lyronyx|Male|stray dog|Lead-dog|M: Sphinx,Open "I didn't offened me Sphinx. He's long gone. That's the past. Right now we need t focus on the future." he walked towards Sphinx who was watching a black and white dog. " We better get going now" he muttered to himself. He called the pack and signaled to move west towards town. Atleast danger wont be near. I Hope. With a sigh he moved with the pack leading and hunting on the way.

Tempest|Female|Stray Tempest suddenly noticed that she had been seen. Her stomach turned over. She should really have stopped and went hunting or something... but she could resist and decided to continue following the pack. She'd just try and be more stealthy.

Sphinx/female/ loner-Team dog/ Tempest "Hey there! " She said to the female. "Who are you, and are you OK? " She asked.

Tempest|Female|Stray|Sphinx Temest panicked. She tried to act like she hadn't been following the pack, but the dog that had addressed her seemed friendly enough. "H-hi, I'm Tempest. I'm just... uh... a little lost..."