
Khalila | Female | Musher "Hello there~..", she speaks softly and sweetly. She slowly holds out her hand, limply letting it hang from her arm. With her other hand, she offers a bit of jerky, and makes no other moves. She's calm and quite content.

Lyronx | Male | Stray dog | M: Open Lyronx followed Onyx to the Figure. Its the Human! He walked over to The Human sniffing the bag beside her. Ooh~ Food He thought to himself he looked up at the human with his ear back and semi-bowing incase of sudden movement.

He snatches the food from her hand but drops it quickly in front of Lyronxbefore taking a few steps toward her. He places his cold wet nose on her hand sniffing her out making sure she was safe

Lyronx | Male | Stray dog | M: Onyx "Onyx why did you come Here." He questioned the male. Looking at Khalilia then back to Onyx. "If your mother was still here she would've smacked you with her tail" He snorted. moving back he smelled the air. Now it smells like.. Lynx's.... LYNX'S.... " Hey Onyx Buddy... Lets go okay... I smell a Lynx..." Edited at May 7, 2020 03:45 PM by Ragdoll's death

"No dipstick its on her weird wagon thing-y"he says and buts his head against her hand. "my mother is dead so sont talk about her like shes not okay?"he snapped. and turned back to Khalilia and tuned around her to the dead LYnx on her sled thing-y

Lyronx|Male|Stray dog|M:Oynx "Oynx dont you Dare SNAP AT ME!" Growled Lyronx in a Angry tone. " Never Talked to me Like That again! " He snapped back. He turned away running back to the Pack, sharing some of the Deer Jerky with the pack. He realized that Onyx was still with Khalilia,but he didn't care a thing about that anymore.

Khalila | Female | Musher She grabs the bag and switches to her pockets, "Hey! If you want more food you would quit!" She thought for a moment. I could take these few... but they seem pretty wild....lets see how this roles out.. She stands slowly, and gets down on one knee handing out food to the fighting pair. She continues to give some to Onyx, and looks over at him. She reaches to his ears slowly and rubs his ears.

He flinches but doesnt move giving Lyronx a smug look. "Sorry man, but please, shes not gonna take us to the poun!" He looks back at her and leans into the rubbing.

Lyronx|Male|Stray dog|M: Open He ignored Onyx and continued to care for the pack, watching them in the distance now and then. He went to sleep in a tiny corner underneath a Rock. He kept thinking if he should go back for onyx or leave him? Many things filled his head as he slept.
