
Sable/Female/Subordinate/M: everyone Sable turned around and started showing everyone to the dens they had found earlier. The rain was making her cold, and she couldn’t wait for the dry, warm feeling of shelter. The field stretched out before them, the tall grass swaying in the wind. The dirt was turning to mud beneath her paws as they neared their destination.

Kiran/Male/Subordinate/M: Sable, Doji And Recon (Ind:) Everybody HHe looked around watching them report he rather thought redwood was the best most shelter and perfect temperature to some.. But he couldn't help looking at sable but quickly pretended he was looking at Doji as she reported then anubis but what will merlin Decide? He sighed looking up to the sky as rain fell down as his fur plastereted tightly on his skin. A chill ran down his back as he looked around woukd there be a predator nearby? Are they safe here? Is prey good enough? What if something floods? What if sable or anyone else falls ill or dies?!? He couldn't stop from worrying about the possibilities but what will happened will happen...

Merlin | Alpha | Male | M: Open The male followed Sabl as his coat began to get soak and uncomfortable. He was growing irritable with the cold and the constant rain pelting his fur. He slowly moved into a den and layed in his den. He waited for anyone to come speak to him. But other than that he watched the rain slowly fall around him

Game Moderator Neutral
Echo/Subordinate/Female/Mentions: Open She entered the den before exiting and feeling the rain soaking her fur and the cold hitting her fur. Echo turned and felt herself relaxing though she really should be in the den. "Not yet", she murmured to herself quietly. Tail curled happily, fur being pelted by rain and she almost closed her eyes as she relaxed. She planned on going into the den soon but for now she just wanted to take in the land and area. Edited at November 8, 2024 01:16 PM by Feiella
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Star/Female/subordinate/M: Merlin (dr) all (ind) She had followed the others and tracked Merlin with her hearing, debating going over but she was tired and also didn’t want to bug him so she paced in front of the den for a few minutes, debating what to do. (sorry for short post)

Lidiya - F - Subordinate - Mention(s): Deverick, [Open] (ind: Anubis) ~ Lidiya nudged Deverick with her paw. "Alright, Dev, we need to get moving again." The rain was soaking them both, and Lidiya could tell from his posture that his younger half-brother felt miserable. Hopefully a good night's sleep would get him feeling much better. At least, Lidiya hoped - she honestly had no clue. Moving away from Anubis, who had been silent until the vocalization of what they had found, she squinted through the rain as she went back to her younger brother. "Come on, you don't want to be left behind, do you?" she said (a bit acerbically) as Deverick took his own time getting up from lying down, and starting to move. Either that, or his legs were still not working the best. Lidiya had a feeling it was the latter, not the former. Thankfully, it wasn't that long until she was able to herd him into a den, where he wordlessly dropped onto the floor in a corner, coat dripping with water and making the area a bit wet. Although, it wasn't like he cared that much from his expression. Although Lidiya also wanted to sleep - it had been a bit of a day - she decided against it, leaving Deverick resting in a corner of the den she'd probably come back to later. Instead, she wandered back out - and while the rain was annoying, she didn't exactly feel like going to sleep at the moment. Granted - she was tired, and it was raining like heck - but she wasn't ready to sleep just yet. She'd rather do her own thing for a bit - go out, maybe see if she could talk to someone she mildly liked talking to. Or something. She just didn't entirely feel like sleeping, like Deverick was, at the moment.
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Game Moderator Neutral
Echo/Female/Subordinate/Mentions: Merlin (directly), everyone else (indirectly) Finding her paws at the den that Merlin claimed made Echo pause so she didn't enter. She turned her body a little so that the rain would pelt her and not get into the den. "Sorry Merlin if I disturbed you. I was just thinking and enjoying the rain and cold air. Thought I might check up on you then maybe the others. I'll head in a den eventually", barked Echo while looking around the clearing. Star was pacing in front of a den, Lidiya was out in the rain without Deverick and everyone else was either out in the rain or appeared to be in the dens. Echo figured if Merlin didn't want to talk then she would go somewhere else. They might find their actual home in Redwood as it appeared promising. "If you don't want to talk then I'll leave you alone so you can rest", added Echo. Edited at November 9, 2024 02:41 AM by Feiella
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Merlin | Alpha | Male | M: Echoand Star He was laying his head between his paws. As he noticed Star was glancing over at him. What in the world? He thought. Did she need to talk or was in a mood. He was not exactly sure at this point. Echo had arrived to his den. He barked "I can talk. I am tired.. But also my nerves and excitement for tomorrow are keeping me from sleeping.." He looked at her. He hoped she wasn't wondering about the position or if he has gotten a chance to speak to Recon. He knew he had to speak to him eventually. But at this moment all he wanted was peace and rather talk without any political agenda or proper way at the give moment. He barked "The dens are here are not very comfortable.. If we arrived here or woken up here in the morning. We could have been at the redwoods.."

Star/Female/subordinate/M: none (open) She eventually settled down, laying in front of her den despite it still raining and she nodded off to sleep after a while, the rain helping her relax. (sorry for super short post but my inspo is out the window and I don’t have anyone to do)

Game Moderator Neutral
Echo/Subordinate/Female/Mentions: Merlin She noticed that Merlin appeared a bit suspicious though she couldn't blame him. "The nerves are doing the same to me. I can't wait to get to Redwood tomorrow", barked Echo before hesistating then glancing at the dens. She decided that she wouldn't bother Merlin with talking as he seemed tired. Maybe she might spend more time out in the rain before going to sleep. "Just wanted to see how you were doing but since you are tired I will leave you alone to rest", barked Echo before leaving him alone. She stood in the rain a bit longer before walking to a den slowly to continue enjoying the rain and cold weather. Edited at November 9, 2024 09:36 PM by Feiella
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