
Sphinx / female / loner-Team dog / Skylar "Really?" She asked hopefully. She nuzzle Skylar back as she smiled a little. She had mixed emotions right now. She liked the moment, hates herself, liked the dogs, hated the situation.

"yes." She said as she cuddled up to her hoping she would be alright. " You did nothing wrong." She said as she closed her eyes.

whoops forgot the top thing

Tempest|Female|Stray|Skylar, Sphinx Tempest watched the dogs playing together. She smiled slightly. She then noticed the red dog looked slightly sad again. She tilted her head, she could never figure that dog out. She slowly became lost in her own thoughts.

Tempest|Female|Stray Then, a realization awoke Tempest from her thoughts. All I do is sit and watch, sit and watch. This is why I can never make friends. I never interact with any dogs. I just don't have the courage. Tempest sighed. She continued to watch the dogs, but an awful self-pitting feeling of envy crawled into her chest. She shook her head, feeling slightly mad.

Ice | Female | Stray-Team Dog Ice settled, laying down where she was, near Onyx. She watched the pack curiously. A nearby female shook her head, looking sad, and Ice hesitated, trying to gather the courage to get up and approach the dog. Ice stood up, licking her shoulder self-conciously, and then went, sitting down next to the strange female. "I'm Ice."

Tempest|Female|Stray|Ice Tempest turned to the dog that had sat next to her. "Hello," she said, trying for a friendly voice, "I'm Tempest. It's nice to meet you."

Onyx watched from afar his ears flattend against his head as his eyes were slightly gazed as he was having fort of a flash back. "If i die-" "Your not dieing!" His puppy self interupted the wounded she-dog. She smiled "of course not, but if i do, promise me you won't blame yourself!" all he could do was nod as the females eyes closed. There were moments of silence before his voive rang out with angered determination, "I WILL kill that rouge that murdered my mother!" He stomped away pressing through the crowd. HE shook his head and blinked watching the wolfs more closely.

Tempest|Female|Stray|Onyx Tempest turned and noticed a dog acting abnormally. His eyes were glazed over and he was barking something in an angry voice. Tempest's tail twitched violently, voicing her nervousness. She pawed the ground. She should really have gone to ask the dog if he was okay, but she was too apprehensive...

He blinked and looked around wildly as if expecting something to come out of no-where. Then he sighed and laid down thinking