
Addy was almost crying when her brothers shook their heads, and she ran back inside. She saw her father being ushered out of his office, a perturbed look on his face. "Lynn is in our bedroom. What's going on?" Addy rushed past, not waiting to hear what her dad wanted to argue about. She hurried back to her bedroom, pulling on a miniskirt, and started searching around for a shirt.

He frowned and put Ghost in a stay, leaving him with the others as he jogged up the stairs. "Ma'am? A fire alarm has been pulled. I'm not sure whats going on, but please would you wait outside until this is sorted." He turned around and knocked on Addys door. "You too. I'm not sure what's happening but wait in the yard. Wrap in a towel if you have to"

Addy glared at her door. "No! I'm putting clothes on, whether I have to burn to death or not!" She finally found a shirt, and came out of her room, looking skeptical. There was no smoke in the upstairs hallway, and none of the doorknobs were hot. She knew the house was large, but she was feeling a bit irritated at getting dragged out of her bath, so she gathered her damp hair up in a messy bun, and set off through the house.

He rolled his eyes and knocked on Lynn's door again. "Ma'am?" He turned back to Addy. "Look. I sont know what's going on, or if the house if even on fire, but I need you to be outside. Please." He gave her a look

Addy raised an eyebrow. "Is that tone I'm detecting?" She said, tilting her head irritably. "Mama is already outside. She was in the garden. I'm going to go see if there's a fire in the kitchen." Without waiting for an answer, she hurried down the steps, deeper into the sprawling manor.

He let out a irritated huff and followed her down the stairs and into the outside. Staring up at the top flour of the manor where smoke was coming out of. Je hissed, as he heard sirens and bit his lip. "Are there any other animals in the house?"

Addy wandered through empty hallways, looking for anything that seemed like there could be a fire close by. If Sir hadn't already been outside, she would have been losing her mind, but she knew he was safe, and was very curious to see the fire.

Kai did a quick headcount and sighed. He turned back to the house, spotting an open window. He stepped closer to the porch and cupped his hands over his mouth. "Addy!"

Addy barely heard someone calling her name, and rolled her eyes, but stuck her head out the nearest window. "What?" She yelled back. "I don't think there's actually a fire. Nothing's hot, and I don't see smoke!" Without waiting for an answer, she closed the window, and started making her way through the halls.

He frowned at the family and walked back in. "Then why...?" He made his way through each room looking them over thoroughly. He was confused. He made his way up the stairs. "You sure?" He called back up to her (Heh my bad i forgot i hadnt responded)