
Makya | Head Tracker for Storm Colony | Male | M: Nox, any group rando that wants to pop up | Very bad roleplay piece from me <3 Makya smiled, laying down and wagging his tail. "Thank you." He yipped. "Nox." He added. - Oh shi- I forgot a peice XD Edited at April 13, 2024 08:21 PM by Austan vindar

Nox | Loner | Female | M: Makya, anyone who wants to pop in :) Nox did a little bow to Makya in response to his thanks before taking off, flapping her wings and gliding through the forest. She dodged a few branches and tree trunks, but over all had no problems on the flight to the blackberries and enjoyed the air on her feathers. Once Nox spotted the thorny plants she spread her wings to slow herself and perch on a near by tree limb, gazing down and contemplating how to carry them back to Makya.

Makya | Head Tracker for Storm Colony | Male | M: Nox, any group rando that wants to pop up | Very bad roleplay piece from me <3 Makya rested as Nox flew off. He popped his head in the air after a while, having scented something. He took deep sniffs, muscles relaxing after he realised it was a member of his pack (Cue anyone who wants to roleplay XD)

Chasm || Storm Colony || Guard || Male || M: Makya As Chasm started his patrol, he could see someone nearby. He crouched low, trying to stalk closer. His size made him still visible from the undergrowth. As he wandered closer though, he noticed Makya's familiar scent. He stood straight and picked up his pace. "Hello, Makya!"

Makya | Head Tracker for Storm Colony | Male | M: Nox, Chasm | Very bad roleplay piece from me <3 Makya semi-smiled and nodded to his pack mate. "Chasm," he said "Out on patrol?". He shifted his weight so his injured leg didn't seem so... injured. No need to worry Chasm. Nox would be back soon... He hoped.

Chasm || Storm Colony || Guard || Male || M: Makya Chasm trotted over to Makya, leaving a trail of trampled leaves behind him. "Yes, I am." His stomach did small flips at being able to talk to Makya. "What are you doing out here?" He planted his haunches on the ground, keeping an eye on his pack mate.

Makya | Head Tracker for Storm Colony | Male | M: Nox, Chasm | Very bad roleplay piece from me <3 Despite Makyas experience with being secretive, lying flat out was difficult. "i.. I am waiting for Skylark?" He stuttered, almost as i it were a question. He attempted to stand, forgetting his injury, and fell back onto his stomach. 'Damn it..' he muttered to himself.

Chasm || Storm Colony || Guard || Male || M: Makya Chasm stood quickly, tilting his large head and flattening his ears. "Are you alright?" Something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what. He quickly moved forward, ready to help Makya.

Makya | Head Tracker for Storm Colony | Male | M: Nox, Chasm | Very bad roleplay piece from me <3 "Im fine, I swear..." Makya said, attempting to stand again. he leaned against the tree he was sitting at, huffing from the effort. "Im okay." Hurry nox' He pleaded silently.

Chasm || Storm Colony || Guard || Male || M: Makya "No," Chasm started, ready to help his friend if needed. "No, you aren't okay. I may not notice much, but I can see something's wrong. Do you need help?" His ears flattened against his skull and he panted worriedly.