
Makya | Male | Storm (?) | Head Tracker | M: Chasm "What if I gave you a blanket...? No, we only have snow. Just put your tail over your body like a normal fox or something." Makya said staring at Chasm. he trotted out of the cave after a second- Warm prey would help, right? - Makya is not a doctor |

Chasm || Storm guard || Male || M: Makya Chasm breathed slowly, lying on his side. He didn't have the energy to curl up, so he slowly drifted off like that. He lay sprawled on the cold cave floor, eyes closed.

Makya | Male | Storm (?) | Head Tracker | M: Chasm The pile of prey was near empty, but you had to do what you had to do right? Makya grabbed a large peice of whatever this was and made hs was back to the cave. He dropped the food at Chasms paws. "Here." He smiled, nugding him awake. |

Chasm || Storm guard || Male || M: Makya Chasm opened an eye, looking at Makya and the food groggily before closing it again, heaving out a sigh. He started to fall back asleep quickly, still shivering.

Makya | Male | Storm (?) | Head Tracker | M: Chasm "You'll feel better if you eat.." Makya sighed. he curled up against Chasms very cold- and damp (ewwww) stomach. - Heheheheheh |

Chasm || Storm guard || Male || M: Makya "I'll eat when I wake up," he groaned, voice trailing off. The heat of Makya against him helped with the shivering. - Gayy

Makya | Male | Storm (?) | Head Tracker | M: Chasm "You'll eat later, fine..." Makya said half-conciously, drifting off. - Very |

Chasm || Storm guard || Male || M: Makya As Chasm slept, he kicked a back leg, accidentally hitting Makya. He felt the impact and woke up slowly.

Makya | Male | Storm (?) | Head Tracker | M: Chasm Makya didn't seem to notice. He was still deep in sleep. He grunted and rolled over after a minute, nuzzling into Chasms stomach. - *Goes insane*

Chasm || Storm guard || Male || M: Makya Chasm turned to watch Makya, admiration flooding his dark eyes. He carefully reached over and licked the top of Makya's smaller head. He closed his eyes and rested his head on Makya's neck. - Hehe