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Summer/Female Red Fox/Rose Leader/M: Mischka Summer let out a soft laugh at the response and nodded in acceptance besides she had no interest in forcing any of her Colony members in saying anything if they had no wish to. "No wonder Ember speaks highly of you. You have a good heart. I would like you to stay alert for any loners or Storm Colony members that end up in our territory. Leave the stray loner to Ember. If you see anyone that looks to be becoming sick or is injured or tired then please tell them they need to rest. We can't risk anyone being sick during Winter", said Summer with a small smile. She paused before continuing, "I'd like to talk again later when you are free Mischka".
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Mischka || Rose second in command || Female || M: Summer Mischka chuckled softly at the duties Summer was assigning her. She still didn't understand how she pulled Second in Command with her hearing and sight. She nodded regardless, accepting the chore. Before Summer could walk off, Mishcka stopped her. "I'm free right now. I haven't been doing much of anything all day, honestly. I would love to hear what you need to talk about."

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Summer/Female Red Fox/Rose Leader/M: Mischka The orange and white vixen eyed the second in command before turning to look at the guard's den. Her ear twitched when she heard the sound of a branch breaking but she kept silent and counted down until she heard it close to Mischka. She stepped close so the branch would hit her instead of Mischka, kept her body relaxed but stayed alert. "Mischka, do me a favor a step into the guard den for a second", she said calmly nodding to the den.
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Mischka || Rose second in command || Female || M: Summer Mischka tilted her head to the right, pushing her ears forward. Despite her confusion and slight fear at Summer's calm tone, the dog treaded forward to the guard's den. She walked just barely into the den at first, looking back at Summer. "This good?" She asked carefully.

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Summer/Female Red Fox/Rose Leader/M: Mischka The vixen was quiet for a bit then quickly moved a little to the side before nodding to Mischika who was now safe much to Summer's relief. "Yes and thank you for doing that because if you stayed at where you were before. That branch that is about to snap would have snapped and injured you", explained Summer nodding to the branch just above where Mischka had been close to. She heard it snap and a thud as the branch broke and fell. It thankfully missed both Summer and Mischka. Edited at April 20, 2024 11:32 PM by Feiella
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Mischka || Rose second in command || Female || M: Summer Mischka watched in a mixture of horror and amazement as the branch fell directly in the spot she had been previously standing in. She whined quickly as it hit the soft earth with a thud. "Thanks, Summer. How did you know it would fall?"

Makya | Male | Storm (?) | Head Tracker | M: Chasm Makya nodded, trying his best to remember the paths he took during spring and summer. He took a cautious step- Or leap- forward. Then another. "This way!" He yipped, wagging his tail. He hopped through the snow, golden retriever style.

Chasm || Storm guard || Male || M: Makya Chasm laughed, watching Makya bound off before he trudged after him, wading through the snow. As he caught up, he blushed and spoke softly. "How did you get stuck out here?" He had no reason to be nervous, but his heart felt tight whenever he spoke with Makya.

Makya | Male | Storm (?) | Head Tracker | M: Chasm "All I remember is talking and eating with you, then everything went blank. Then, I was in the middle of a blizzard. Make sense?" Makya cocked his head. He heard a crack as the thin layer of ice under his paws broke. - Boop

Chasm || Storm guard || Male || M: Makya As Chasm was about to explain that what Makya explained made no sense, he reacted to the ice. Reaching out, he grabbed the scruff of Makya's neck, throwing him to the side of the water. He tried scrambling back out of the river before the water pulled him in. - How dare you do this to me Aus?!