
Nox | Loner | Female | M: Makya and Misty Nox's wings fluttered neverously at the newcomer's arival, but she covered it up quickly with a polite greeting to the canine named Misty happily. "Moring miss," She chirped, dipping her head a little before focusing on Makya again. "There's a blackberry patch a little north of here, I've heard those help with infilmation and pain. I could probably find some herb if you want?

Skylark/F/Storm Colony/Tracker/M: Misty, Makya, Nox Skylark snarled ominously at the crow, showing her long sharp teeth. She hated doing it, but she was supposed to protect her pack, and this was a loner. Her hackles rose, and she flattened her ears. She wondered why Makya hadn't tried to chase away the crow yet? And why Misty wasn't either?

Makya | Head Tracker for Storm Colony | Male | M: Nox, Misty, Skylark | Very bad roleplay piece from me <3 Makya snapped his head back and glared at his tracker. "Skylark, no way to be acting towards helpful crows. We only have two choices if we wanted to get rid of her: Chase her off, where she'd just fly away and probably come back, or kill her. Now, do either of those sound good to you?" Makya growled. He needed those blackberries. He wanted them now. He turned back towards the crow. "Im Makya. And, I would appreciate some berries, yes. Thank you for your help.".

Misty | Storm colony | Hunter | Female | M: Skylark, Nox, Makya Misty looked at Skylark, "your job not mine."I'm going to go find that deer, anyone is welcome to join."
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Skylark/F/Storm Colony/Tracker/M: Nox, Misty, Makya Skylark immediately stood down, half bowing to Makya. "Sorry." She said, and nodded hello to the bird, still a bit wary. "Yeah, I don't want to kill her." She turned her head, fixing the wing like feathers on her back with a bit of embarrassment. She hadn't meant to snap at the bird. She looked at Misty, wondering what she thought, then nodded at her statement. "Sure, I'll get the deer with you!" Edited at April 4, 2024 12:35 AM by Broken Rivers of Ice

Game Moderator Neutral
Ember/Female/Rose Head Guard/Mentions: Open Getting out of the water the vixen shook her fur then sniffed the air. She could smell rabbit which was enough for her as she followed the smell until she saw the rabbit. It may have to go to her leader and she will have to hunt again but she was fine. Slowly she made her way forward then quickly ran at the rabbit which tried to escape only to be met by her sharp teeth. Looking down she realized she had almost crossed the border and backed up as she had no interest in tresspassing. She turned around and began heading back to home with her food.
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Nox | Loner | Female | M: Makya, Misty, Skylark Nox panicked as yet another canine, this one with feathers as well as fur, snapped at her. Luckily things were sorted out quickly and Nox ducked her head to return the feathered wolf's little greeting. "I'm Nox, nice to meet y'all." Nox paused, tilting her head slightly as the female canines prepared for their hunt. "So Makya, do you want me to take you to the berries or just give you directions? I don't want to cause problems,"

Makya | Head Tracker for Storm Colony | Male | M: Nox, Misty, Skylark | Very bad roleplay piece from me <3 "I don't wish to trouble you, Nox, but my hind leg has given out. And my friends are off to feed the pack. I prioritize my packs health over myself.. as you can see, so I wish to leave them be. If you really don't want to do it for me, Ill completely understand. I would be reluctant to help a stranger who's friends just threatened me."

Nox | Loner | Female | M: Makya Nox thought a moment about what Makya was saying. She could understand caring for someone more than yourself from her own experiences. "I could bring some to you, but it might take a while since I'm not that strong," Nox suggested, then shrugged "And I don't really mind the threatening, it's not the first time and won't be the last time that happens to me."

Ull | Storm colony | Head guard | Male | M: None Ull awakens. He opens his eyes carefully. He imediately closes them again as the sun is shining bright in his eye. He lays a bit and enjoys it isn't raining anymore. He then gets up, moans and look outside of the den - he enjoys the nearly un-natural silence. He then goes to try and find Chasm and ask if they just should take a quick patrol. He don't find him and just think he will try go out and go on a quick patrol along the river. He gets over to it and begin to walk along. He looks at the stream and thinks it's a good thing he doesn't fall into it. It looks very rough and he don't even think he can make it. He shakes his head as to shake the thoughts out of his head and continue. He begins to think of Skylark while he's walking along. He has a sore spot in his heart for her. He wish he could get her as mate.