
Oki, I think I'll wait a few more posts to have options of people to interact with Ava Mist Fall Wolves said: Oh to answer your question you asked the other day Covidic. I think everyone has posted and you can now if you'd like.

LMAO I tried so hard to think of what to say and then gave up.

I'm going to begin a post for Roxanne now as well

I'll post Kines if everyone's okay with that?

Go ahead :> Mist Fall Wolves said: I'll post Kines if everyone's okay with that?

Everyone's already made their first post, so I'd say everyone should just go for it. Don't worry about posting order as long as you aren't posting one after the other. I certainly don't care, at least.

I'm gonna make mine up when I have people to interact with, or maybe when the 'apocalypse' has gotten a little further lol.

Reyes isn't going to get any character action until its night so-

I might wait until people kinda start hiding out in toilets at night, then just do one long ass post from where she is to the moment she 'finds' the toilets, probably followed by a hoard of fucking lurkers. I say this shit but it's never gonna happen.

LMAOOOOOO omg i LOVE this ERIHGEARUGHERIUHG Tenebris Umbra said: [Sadie] No.