
XD I don't get what's so different about the two.

word is better than google docs in my opinion I just grew up using it so I guess it feels a lot more familiar to me ThisIsAPackName said: Well, I use both Docs and Notes depending on where I am or how I'm feeling at the time but I've never used Word once in my life, so...

Same. I do everything in word, so it's kind of just my thing.


Ok... But literally same o: Sir Froggington said: Jabari's affiliation sheet (I'd love to see a scene where Jabari saves her from a ladybug)

Is anyone waiting on anyone else to post?

I'm still writing my response to Charlie and Aurora is going to be interacting with Sadie soon, I believe, so that'd be ASP and Icy. As far as I know, everybody else isn't in any interactions dependent on someone else posting, because the scene going on wherever most of the characters are is kind of just something where everyone happens to be in the general vicinity of one another and not actually a "reply-and-wait" situation.

alright- I just got Reyes's post out *^*

