"Little Raven"
Name Pronunciation*
~3.5 years
Breed [Can be Mixed if Dog]:
Eastern Timber Wolf
Escar Pack
Desired Rank:*
Thoughts on The Other Pack:
Finds them odd, wary of their presence and doesn't really care too much for their intrusion. However despite this innate distrust, Hosa is not directly hostile. He tries to keep his interactions brief or avoid contact entirely if he is alone, on edge and afraid of engaging in conflict.
Hosa is a wolf whose pelt color could be described like the shadows that dwell among the forest floor. He is an uncommonly dark-coated timber wolf, his pelt mostly black with beautiful blends of dark browns, tans, and creams, his underbelly and muzzle lighter in color, along with the fur around his eyes and inside his ears. This unusual dark coloration combined with his exceptional scouting abilities has earned him the alias, "Little Raven."
Standing at 28 inches at the shoulder and around 60 pounds, Hosa is pretty small for an adult male. He is still young and may fill out more a little bit with age, but overall his growing is done, leaving him with a rather non-threatening appearance when in comes to size alone. His physique is slim but fit, his shoulders and hips more defined with muscle than other areas of his body. His legs are long but not gangling, and his gait is smooth and swift.
Hosa is by no means the strongest or most powerful wolf, in fact his smaller size and darker coloration allow him to often slip by within the shadows unnoticed by many. He likes to use these traits to his advantage in his duty, preferring to travel and scout at night when possible.
His snout is long and his facial features are slender, his eyes a deep and warm golden-brown. This Escar scout always seems to move at a brisk pace, his lithe form often low to the ground and hard to follow in darker hours of the day. Hosa's tail usually hangs casually as he moves, fluffy and completely dark in color.
His coat is thick around his neck and shoulders, and unlike some, Hosa's indifferent behavior towards his grooming often leaves his ruff decorated in various leaves and twigs, giving him an extra layer of scent over his own.
Image credit to WolfPlay Custom creator^^
Hosa, one of Escar Pack's younger scouts, is an individual who feels the need to be constantly moving. He is not anxious, but rather feels most at peace when he can be traveling or exploring, entertaining himself with new scents and trails and tracks to find. His need to constantly be entertained also means he tends to collect and hoard items he comes across on his journeys; bones, sticks, rocks, etc. These items are scattered about within his sleeping area at all times, items in which he fiddles with before rest.
It isn't often to find him stationary for very long, and at times this can make him a difficult wolf to reach. Despite his availability being inconsistent at best, Hosa when he is socializing is a very kind and charming spirit. He may not speak as much as some, but it doesn't stop him from joining in conversation and having fun with his peers when the opportunity arises. He is known to be a bit flirty at times and quite an affectionate and tentative partner when he isn't patrolling.
Energetic and eager to fufill his duty in the pack, Hosa is a hard and diligent worker when given a task. He is a young wolf with years of good potential ahead of him, and is extremely dedicated to the pack he calls his family and home. While he may not be the bravest of wolves or one to start conflict, he is capable of engaging in a physical dispute to protect those who need it. Hosa is always willing to lend a helping hand or a listening ear, although admittedly he finds it hard to give helpful advice to those who may be struggling.
Hosa, when lounging around the densite, is known to be a gentle and tolerant adult towards any pups and apprentices. He is more patient than some, but this doesn't mean it is limitless. He is tolerant of most play, enjoying small banter and light physical interaction with the littles, but can be easily irritated by too many questions or too much nipping.
His beloved mate
Colette <3
On the way!
Open! Dm me!
Other Affiliations:
So hard to choose! I have a deep affection and appreciation for horses that has always been there and will never go away, but I also adore any big cats!